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Hello. I'm experiencing difficulties creating scenes on my device even after resetting it to factory settings for scenes. I'm unable to manually create and play scenes, and instead, scenes I never made are appearing. I've recorded a video of my attempt to create a red strobe, but despite reviewing the instructions multiple times, I'm still struggling. I suspect it might be a mistake on my part.

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I'm not sure about left over data, but try to make any scene again, and if its just red, still grab the Green, blue, white etc channels bring them up to value 5, then bring them down to 0, this may sort of make them activated in the scene and it will overtake any data thats using those channels in that scene.
Hope this makes sense.
I will also have one of the techs in the office look at your video.

Thanks for getting back to me.

I tried as your suggested and am having the same issue. For the sake of clarity and testing, I have tried multiple cables, DMX and XLR, as well as various configs. (some daisy chained to other fixtures and stand alone fixtures)

I confirmed the channels are correctly set in both a daisy chain setup and singular. These are 8 channel lights.

No matter what I do, I cant seem to get the scenes to play back correctly.  I find it odd I have complete control over the fixtures as intended with the board, but its just scenes that do not act correctly at all.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

I only got this operator a couple of days and i already run into simular problems like you.

Example : i create 8 scenes with a laser and some moving head lights. The moving heads will have the same color like the laser and follow a mirror path compared to the laser.

When i run the scenes the on auto or to the beat of the music the laser will do as programmed but the lights start acting funny and do all kind of things and change to 1 color for all scenes (that i never programmed.) (The device is new so there can not be leftover data)

When i turn of the device and try again i get another color and it stays like that for all 8 scenes (it should be another color for every scene)

When i delete the scenes and program again it doesn't help, laser is doing what i programmed but the lights act funny again

Now the strange thing : when i put them in a chase everything is normal.

Anyway if this is normal and no firmware updates are given to fix these problems i will return this possessed tool and find something that works as intended

For me when i came home from work i turned on the controller and all colors were back the way i programmed them. However sometimes it goes wrong and maybe i figured out when.

First i turn on the controller, i touch nothing except i go to the bank i want to test  and click auto (or audio) and everything is working normal.

Now i stop the auto function and press a scene, it starts doing the programmed effect. Next i click the auto button again and here is where it goes wrong, colors from the moving heads are no longer same like the laser. As far as i tested i have to turn of and on the controller and press auto (or music) without touching a scene first to get it back to working as programmed.

Next I tested your advice and made a bank with only the moving heads and i did the same steps but as far as i tested the problem doesn't seem to happen now. strange because i did not have this with my cheap china controller (but that had a lot of other problems lol)

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