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Hi Guys,

I am currently having problems with my American DJ, DJ Spot 250's. I have 4 fixtures and on one of them i am having issues of the light chopping off about a quarter of the gobo. Its almost like the gobo wheel is not aligned properly. I have opened the cover and made sure there was no dust build up. The light will also start putting half red and half white as the colour on the gobo. Or whatever colour is selected it will shift and split the colour.

I am also having problems wiht another light not staying centered. the light will run a figure "8" patern and then after about 5 mins of running it, it will then start progressivly projecting up the wall instead of on the floor.

I am using a American DJ Show Designer to control the lighting. I have no issues with the other 2 heads and no problems with the 4 Mighty Scan's i am running on it also.

The 2 fixtures are 1 year old and the other 2 are brand new.

Any Suggestions / Help would be great to fix this. I will post pics up of my problem if possible when i get home from the club.

I would like to not get these serviced if possible as they are suspended on a truss 22 feet above the dancefloor and its a real pain to take them out seeming they are suspended upside down.

Please Help!!!

Mark Stanley
Original Post

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everything was tested. seemed like it all worked great. as i say it just started doing this after being up there for 3 weeks. Just have to re-align the gobo wheel appearently going by what the support number told me. its just adjusting a screw.

Maintaince is completed every week on these bad boys. they get dusted out and lenses wiped free of dust etc every week. Plus other routine maintenance work.
Good to hear you have such an aggressive maintenance cycle. Even high end places only do it maximum twice a month unless something breaks. Most are monthly.

Seriously, use safety cables. Might help. Also, I find using the 0-clamps quite nice. They sort of grip and make it easier to mount. Of course, in your case, we're talking more of a permanent type arrangement, so use some of the other all metal clamps. I am concerned about clamps marring my portable trusses, so the O-clamps again are my choice.

Good to hear it is a simple fix. Did you need to still take the light down? Just because that fix is simple, doesn't mean it's simple to do!
yea its just a pain to get the big ladder in to take the light out. mainly because you need 2 ladders and 2 people to support the light. I have the safety cables already in place. I would never suspend a fixture without them. I saw a DJ have a Pocket Scan fall over the dance floor one day. Not pretty!
Goofy thought, only because it sounds like you have your stuff together. Safety and maintenance. Sounds like some club owners could use a thing or two from you.

You could have rigging points secured and then use motors. Depending on how you have things done, you could get this done with a minimal amount of motors. Just raise trussing up and down. Might be rather expensive.

Like I said, just a thought. And that's why most clubs only do this stuff once a month unless otherwie is necessary. Some big places have catwalks up in the rafters, some use motors, some use ladders, some use scissor lifts, cherry pickers and other types of heavy equipment. The motor idea makes sense to me because you're up there way more than average.

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