First; use a keyboard to input dmx commands. I plug my Yamaha ModX keyboard midi out, into the midi in 'A', of a Midiman 2x2 usb(Cheap metal box midi/usb interface.) Second; my software sequencer is an old Cakewalk 2003 Music Creator. The midi ins and outs of the Midiman interface,(Input and outputs 'B',) go direct to the ADJ 384 midi ins and outs. Third; create a 'midi' track in your sequencer software, dedicated to the ADJ dmx ONLY. Forth; make sure all instruments are on the same midi channel(The 384, the keyboard, and the dmx sequenced track.) NOW; you can play individual keys on yer keyboard, and experiment as to what key on the keyboard-changes what command on the ADJ. As you strike a key? You can watch the ADJ 'change' command parameters! So now you know what keys to play, when you record the dmx track you created, in your music software. You won't even need to create 'chase' patterns on the ADJ. Can't get yer scenes to automate(Move mirrors or heads from scene to scene.) in one bank? No prob; you can ACTIVATE 'AUTO' ON THE ADJ-FROM YOUR KEYBOARD! This is a great feature.
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