I atually have 4 S5000's and in IMHO the motored platter makes little difference, and actually makes mixing harder since the speed of the platter does not correspond to the speed of music playing (they do this because of the high Wow & flutter of the belt drive). ie you can't really use the platter to make small adjustments while playing. I think it's eaiser to nudge the static platter of the CDI's/CDJ's to make pitch adjustments and yes I have been a vinyl jock since 88, so I am still faithful to turntables. I believe that the only way a spinning platter would make it better is if it were like a CDX, or Tech CD player. A full size (or almost) with a direct drive motor. And completely emulates what the platter is doing. ie if you nudge it ahead a little faster, or drag your finger to make on the fly adjustments.