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PROBLEM 1: If you setup at a venue with bad grounding/power the PS2 will not behave. Scratching will not work, CD's will not read etc.

PROBLEM 2: Even though tech support say it is normal, the PS2 will heat up enough to light a cigarette. I've since discovered the problem is a cheap 5v regulator on the power supply mounted to the case of the PS2. It must be driving some huge current to get that hot, anyway suffice to say any electronic component that gets that hot will not last forever making the PS2 unreliable long term.

PROBLEM 3: Very low level audio output meaning you have to add more gain compared to other CD players to get the same levels from your mixer.

Whilst problem #3 could be due to dirty lenses, I have had two PS2s, bought at the same time from the one dealer and both exhibited exactly the same problems at the same time and this only after 1 year of mild usage. Hope this info helps.

ROQ out.
Unfortunately has summed up some issues you may come across, but I will say every major player has issues, and heat being one of the most common.

Anyway I own 2, no problems except one building with grounding issues, caused irratic behavior from one player, the other worked fine, including the scratching. I've had mine for 2 years, and they haven't burst into flames yet including doing a 7 hr gig outdoors in June.
Originally posted by Brett Kaufman:
[qb] I hate the loading tray. I've used many table tops before and not one has had a loading tray. I'd wind up going with a rack mount if I wanted loading trays.

Any answers to the concerns about the PS2s? [/qb]
The loading time isn't any slower, in fact it's a little faster, has quicker memory buffer response, and overall is a better player. TRUST ME
[/qb][/QUOTE]The loading time isn't any slower, in fact it's a little faster, has quicker memory buffer response, and overall is a better player. TRUST ME [/QB][/QUOTE]

That's nice, but I don't want to buy a table top with a loading tray.

Only one person has really addressed the problems that have been posted many times on other boards.
I've owned ******* and ****** and never have had any problems, so I dont' want to start with a product known for problems.
Minty Fresh,
What Roq and I both stated is the truth. Also maybe you're just getting upset since I see you fishing on 2 forums trying to find an excuse not to buy them. Well if nobody is complaining on, maybe that means 1 of 2 things....
1) There really isn't a major issue with the ProScratch2's....or
2) Nobody there owns 1 (which I know for a fact isn't true).

BTW, if you are worried about problems, then why is it that your Pio's or Newmarks don't offer a 2 year warranty? Maybe American Audio, believes in and stands behind the quality of their products just a little more.

Well anyway, welcome to the forum, and whatever you decide you are always welcome here among friends.
If you pull up searches of archives on any of the forums, including this one, you will find many posts about problems. I'm not saying other CD players don't have them, because they do. I'm very interested in these and before I buy them I want to make sure I have all the facts. I'm in Arizona, so it gets very hot. When I heard about overheating issues, I wanted to double check. I've owned AMDJ amps and loved them, but never their CD players. The PS2's sound great and people seem to like them, I just would like honest opinions from some regular users and not support staff. I appreciate all the comments and just want to get all my angles covered before buying them.
Actually Brett,
I don't work for ADJ, I moderate on this forum as a volunteer. I get no pay, no kickbacks, and no free gear. I do it because I believe in their products, yes I am a little biased, but I am also honest, that is why if you search the forums for my gear posts. You'll see I don't always recommend ADJ I recommend what I believe is the best for the customer. And yes I do use PS2's as my main players, but I also have a S5000 rig, and in both I have an old DN-2500 dual deck as a backup, because I don't trust any players on their own.
Brett Kaufman

The overheating issues you keep hearing about are ****. Yes they might get hot after playing for "AWHILE" but seriously, thats every player. You should have concern if you heard a story of these players setting some DJ's booth on fire. But that has never happened, or never will. You living in Arizona is no excuse of bringing up this over-heating subject, as I live in " LAS VEGAS " and never had an issue with the players at all. Besides Arizona, Vegas is one of the Hottest places to live in the summer as temperatures get over 120 Degrees every year.

I understand your trying to do your research before buying a product, and thats smart, but seriously you have a 2 year warrenty protecting you.


Brett Kaufman: That's nice, but I don't want to buy a table top with a loading tray.)
Thats fine. Nobody is twisting your arm.
I just bought 2 PS2's about 2 months ago
and I dont mind the heat from the players.
In fact I use the rear vents to keep my homemade tamales warm when I gig at parties.

Seriously, I have them in the American Audio
PS SYS coffin (pretty good Anvil type knockoff)
and I just threw the top narrow rear covers in the trash, so the units are kept cooler. They get pretty warm but so far so good.

The "ground" at any junky venue will make a CD/MP, etc.
player go NO DISC. I've had other brands that
do the same thing. Other than bringing along a brass or metal water pipe and making your own ground, there's nothing much to do.

The only thing that I was disappointed about with the new player that's out is that they didnt
keep the "1200" type wheel. I maybe thought the new one would look the same, have better features and the wheel would now spin like a turntable. However, the PS2, which is pretty old DJ Tech wise, still gets alot of stares and questions, more so than my PS1's did.
hey Skillz,
Have you ever had any "thermal breakdown" I mean have your PS2's ever bugged out in an extremely hot enviroment? IE: no a/c and it is at least 100 degrees in the house? Because I had a prob a while back and ever since I have been using a fan (one of those small clippon deals) and since then no probs (might be the case as well with no circulation, or padding issues)...

Just my 2 cents.
well mr stevie.... i think you also need to upload some movie stuff in this site so you get a little more popularity...

i agree u said the same thing.... brett is just a little bit picky. that's his money right?

regarding the tray or feed load type CDs... i prefer the tray ones... it demands less attention when loading and unloading..

btw... i own the first proscratch and now the DCD PRO1000..... i love the pro1000

I started with Pro-Scratch 1s. After a few months, one developed a problem. Wouldn't play, skipped, etc. Called ADJ on Friday (and got a live person!), they gave me an RMA# and told me to send it in. I overnighted it on Monday. It was sitting at my door THURSDAY all fixed up and ready to play. That's what made me an ADJ purchaser for life.

Not even my Jeep dealership fixes problems that fast. Wink

I now own two PS2s. They do get hot. But, like fatcatdj said, I just tossed the little cover on the back of the case, and it's all good. They are a little picky with CD-Rs, but I've learned to buy quality media, and burn slow, and it's all good.
I will hopefully be stepping up to 500's in the future. I kinda like the tray, and the beat-synced effects, and the quantum phase-shift ocillator overthruster. Big Grin
Originally posted by joerpogi:
[qb] well mr stevie.... i think you also need to upload some movie stuff in this site so you get a little more popularity... [/qb]
Movies of what? And this isn't a poularity contest. Most guys on this forum respect me and my opinion, and that is why I was chosen as a moderator.

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