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Just bought a Notebook Netbook Asus Ess PC 1001P, 2G DDR2, 160G HD, Windows 7 32-bit Professional OS and installed my DMX with no issues. However, I cannot run a wireless keyboard on this notebook. (Yes I have contact the builders Tech Support). I can use a mouse to operate myDMX, but this setup will not work on my end.

(Just a side note, this setup works on a regular laptop with no issues, but wanting to use a smaller PC to run myDMX exclusively).

A wireless mouse works, but not even a USB hardwired keyboard, let alone a wireless USB keyboard. Anyone have same issues with this type of notebook netbook setup?

Solutions? (If I receive a solution from the manufacturer, I will post here.)

I did check to make sure all the notebook netbooks drivers are current. I've tried all three installed USB hubs ports having only one hub port recognize the keyboard, works on everything but myDMX. I use programed keys to operate my shows, thus, my need for use of an wireless keyboard.

Any input is appreciated. I could really get technical here, but in the spirit of less is more, I await the thousands of responces <grin>.
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Edit: Upgraded BIOS and the USB Wireless Keyboards works on everything BUT myDMX.

Under 'User Options' I have enabled:
Save LTP/HTP levels
Keyboard Priority - 'buttons' selected
Trigger Display - 'keys' selected

Upgrade to Win 7 Professional to run in XP mode?

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Former Member
What are you trying to accomplish?

I mean, you can assign keyboard triggers(from your computer keyboard), but you have to program them, which isn't terribly difficult from the Edit window where you have your scenes listed.

I think we're seriously missing some information. If you can enable those options, then clearly the mouse is working at least.

What brand of wireless gear are you using?

I use a wireless mouse with my MacBook Pro running BootCamp 2.1 and Windows XP Home. When I use MyDMX on it, I have no issues, with or without the wireless mouse.

More information is required. I think we're not being told a lot of things.

Short of that, lose the USB hub. MyDMX does't like hubs. It's been shown before to be an issue.

I use a Toshiba laptop currently running Vista with myDMX, using a USB wireless keyboard that I have assigned triggers with no issues at all, and a wireless Logitech mouse. That setup works great.

I wanted to duplicate this setup with a Notebook Netbook and use the laptop for better applications, and gain from having a smaller piece of equipment. This Notebook Netbook has Windows 7 Professional and everything works with a wireless keyboard on an Internet browser. I however cannot use the wireless, the notebook netbooks own keyboard to engage the triggers on myDMX. Only the mouse works with myDMX. Using the mouse is worthless to me. I use the keyboard to trigger scenes. Hey, it works for me and I'm pleased with the setup.

I'm going to try the MS Windows 7 XP mode to see if this works.

P.S. I use no USB hubs . . .
P.P.S. The reason I use a wireless keyboard, it's illuminated (great in clubs and any dark room) and I can hold it in my hand and change scenes on the fly while moving around my setup. I'm not locked in a seat and it's good for 30' of movement! I love this setup!
Last edited by Former Member
From your previous posting earlier in this thread:

I've tried all three installed USB hubs having only one hub recognize the keyboard, works on everything but myDMX.

OK, so you're nt using a hub. But, that's not what you said earlier.

It's sounding to me like your brand spanking new netbook is where the issues are. But, confirm you are running a 32-bit version of Windows(I bet you are), in which case the default installation should theoretically be fine. ADJ hasn't come out and said "Hey, we support Windows 7" yet, but the way ADJ behaves, it seems that they are OK with the build for Vista on Win 7, including the 64-bit patch. Do check to make sure you are in fact running the latest OS patches, hardware drivers and the latest MyDMX.

The fact that you state that you cannot use the keyboard on the computer(do you mean notebook or netbook, they are different, believe it or not) indicates that there is a larger issue at hand. There is also the very real possibility that perhaps MyDMX won't work with a remote keyboard is because with the onboard one, you could theoretically confuse the crap out of MyDMX having two sets of same trigger controls via two different signal paths. But since this works on your Toshiba laptop, this tells me this is a hardware issue on the dinky new computer.

Then again, what is your OS on the Toshiba?

I'm not going to try to dissuade you from using that keyboard. I can see your argument, which is valid.

I'm planning to get a Netbook soon myself for MyDMX only. I will most likely use a wireless mouse for convenience, but I may go wired. I use my laptop's keyboard to trigger a few scenes(key re-usable scenes), but the mouse to ensure accurate scene selection on a big show I work on. No wireless keyboard, just a wireless mouse.

Post specs.
Hi Chris,

All my specs were listed in the first and third post.

Laptop: Vista
Notebook: W7 Pro 32-bit

I have no issues with the mouse, touch pad, wireless keyboard, wireless mouse on this new Notebook. It works on everything but myDMX.

I use a wireless KB because I have over 40+ scenes I use on any given show. I can't see the notebook's keyboard in the dark and a mouse just won't cut it to my preference.

You can pick and choose what keyboards you want to use on any laptop or notebook with no problems. internal or external. I do this all the time.

Like I said, everything works except myDMX. The issue is with the myDMX software. I'm trying to find a fix . . .

myDMX does not run completely on a Windows 7 32-bit Notebook system. I tried running myDMX under the following Windows 7 OS's: Starter, Home Premium, Professional. I can use a mouse to click on my triggers, but the use of a keyboard is an issue.

I know some here will tell me it's my Notebook - but I'm posting here saying it may be a driver issue. All other programs on this Notebook work and external keyboards work on all other programs I have installed.

Jingles: - since there was a driver created for Windows 7 64-bit system, can this issue be discussed internally at ADJ? Windows 7 has become the standard OS sold with computers today, anyone else here having WIndows 7 32-bit issues?

I have checked and all my Notebook drivers are current . . .

I tried the 'XP Mode' in Windows 7 Professional. I found that under this 'XP Mode' the Dongle's USB green light was not on and the program did not operate though the 'DMX' light was flashing.

I've have myDMX on the following OS with success:

Win XP

Actually, let me correct a few flaws in logic:

Windows 7 has NOT been accept universally as the "go to platform". It's still an XP world. Win7 hasn't sufficiently impressed anyone yet, but Windows Vista officially got it's ass handed back to them and Microsoft basically fixed a few things, screwed up a few other things and lost a bunch of other things and barfed it out as Windows 7.

Why is this the standard sold with new machines? Because Microsoft cut off licensing and sales of the older OS's, that's why. Don't confuse what's being imposed with what's being accepted as standard. Right now it's an imposition to force a standard, NOT a standard. Microsoft and Cisco like to use the same bully mentalities.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I can't say I'm terribly impressed with it. I'd rather be on XP Pro 64-bit.

I'm not here to debate 'logic' on OS. I'm here to find a solution to myDMX.

I just stated a true fact that when you buy computers today they are loaded with Windows 7 - not Vista - not XP. That's just the facts.

I'm here looking for solutions and I have faith that Jingles will respond.

But Chris, come on - relax man. You don't need to preach to me . . . I'm just asking questions. I don't need my chicken jumped just because you have issues with MS. I run machines that have XP, Vista, Win 7 32 & 64 bit computers. So what??? I need to deal with the cards that are dealt to me, and I'm sure others as well.

My issue is with myDMX!
We are here to try to solve this issue with my dmx. If you two would like to debate logic or OS'es please do so in email. I am not faulting anybody just reminding to stay on topic please. Livevegas I will TRY to get an answer out of our developers ASAP however it could be a day or so until they respond. I will do my best to keep you updated.

P.s. The 64 bit driver wasn't geared towards any specific Os. Just towards Os's that ran in 64 bit mode.
We have a user who is refusing to explore any sort of issue outside of myDMX.

1: He refuses to stage brand of wireless keyboard and/or mouse. The question was asked.

2: As such, he won't check the latest drivers from that vendor, and likewise, I can guarantee looking for updated drivers from the computer vendor has not been explored.

3: Without volunteering additional information, it's hard to get resolve. It's easy to point he finger. Who knows if he's even running the latest MyDMX software. It could be the keyboard is not fully Win7 supported for all I know. We do know he's using probably at least 2 wireless interface USB dongles, in addition to MyDMX.

I had an issue with my wireless mouse that one time with MyDMX, but it turned out to be interference with the wireless network in the building. The 2.4Ghz band is too full up with crap

With a user who also states he's using a hub and then not using a hub.... it's hard to get clarity.

One must explore ALL avenues at once when trying to find resolve. There is a very good likelihood that there may be some patches from the vendors of the netbook and the keyboard.

Sometimes we gotta compromise to get it done, or hell, get a little gooseneck lamp to light things up, they make plenty of them. I added one to my ProMix01 set-up. I will say this: if your isntall is flat, get whatever you want. If your install platform is angled, the 18-inch goosenecks tend to flop around so go 12". $30 and a wall wart taking up room, some super velcro and you're done.

I'm planning to get a Netbook soon and a wireless keyboard/mouse combination(not meant to be used together). Maybe I speed this up. The netbook is meant for MyDMX only and if necessary, will be down-rev'ed to XP Home if that's what it takes to get the job done. Vista has no business being allowed to exist in society!
Let's post a few more corrections:

Computers being sold at NEW in CURRENT retailers with XP on it:

Asus Netbook

An MSI Netbook

An Averatec Netbook

eMachines has a Netbook with XP Home too!

A Toshiba LAPTOP!! N0t a netbook and it has XP Pro SP3!

Oh my! Averatex desktop refurb with XP Home!

I don't feel like posting the 30 models I found with Vista pre-loaded.

I also bought 3 little dinky Acer machines 3 weeks ago. All came with XP Home. They are gone now for their home in a business, and I'll be paid back for those in like 2 weeks.

Just wanted to comment on your "true fact" about what is loaded on a computer.

Hell, I can get Dell to ship me whatever I want, including ANY OS or NO OS(I choose the no OS option), and I can still get XP Home or Pro and not have to deal with their "Downgrade" garbage pricing as well.

Your issue is with your computer until you properly and completely rule it out, which you haven't done. And chances are, these netbooks are not fully featured anyways, and that's NOT your fault, it's how they are designed. Powering 2 wireless receivers in addition to having built-in wifi, that's a 2.4Ghz RF flying around in a small amount of space. And don't think BlueTooth will help it's right in the 2.4Ghz band too.

It may be how the OS responds to duplicate interfaces(2 keyboards for your example) and how MyDMX interprets taht, but that again would be the OS now not properly reporting to the hardware abstraction layer.

While you're at it, if you can, try some MIDI control on MyDMX. Chances are you'll probably like it, and it will give you something else to play with. Akai makes some ABleton Live controllers and a few other pad surfaces that light up but aren't wireless. Might something like this be ideal for you? You can just use a longer USB cable to give you some freedom of movement. Unless you strap that wireless keyboard to your arm and then go "power triggering" at front of stagem which would actually be pretty damn cool! Throw some glow bands on you, and some cloth that will pop under some UV light, that would be sick!

But at the same time, if MIDI isn't working, we can start to point back to the OS again deeper. What MIDI gear do you have laying around?
Jingles - thanks for checking.

Chris - This 'user' is not here to debate with you, and I really do appreciate your help - but I'm not here to be treated like a fool either. If you read all my postings, I have answered all your questions. Do I have to keep reposting the same data in all my replies?

I'm not here debating 'logic'. I never brought up the word. I'm looking for solutions. Hey, I may have mistakenly called a port a hub, but I did corrected myself - but come on Chris, were not in front of a Judge either.

We're supposed to be united here in support of a product we all enjoy using.

I just made a simple statement - if one were to go to a store today and purchase a new PC computer, it will have Windows 7 installed as the 'standard' installed operator system. That apparently set Chris off. Sure you can find discontinued Notebooks Netbooks having other OS installed - but who buys that stuff? I wanted the better/faster chips.

*For the umpteenth time - I have updated all my drivers (though they were all current), upgraded the BIOS (only update needed).

*The Notebook Netbook keyboard works on all installed programs (except myDMX)

*The wireless keyboard works on all installed programs (except myDMX)

*The Notebook Netbook touch pad works on all installed programs (except myDMX)

*The wireless mouse works on all installed programs & myDMX!

I'll have time in a few days to spend time with this Notebook Netbook. All I want to use is a wireless illuminated keyboard with this Notebook Netbook running myDMX. Period. Nothing else plugged in!

Thank you all again.
Last edited by Former Member
Brand and model of the keyboard in question has STILL not been addressed. It could be a key issue, and since you have this issue, it IS a key issue. Or rather a KEYBOARD issue.

Is it so difficult to post the make and brand of the wireless keyboard? You have thus far failed to do so, and I did check the entire thread. I'm not here to judge(but if I did, you'd be terminated as an employee of mine at this point), because I've seen some real POS keyboards that still work and get the job done. Like a flexible waterproof USB keyboard connected to a Yamaha PM5D, but was nice and compact and something I'm thinking of getting when I get a digital console to ease labelling channels(and it works too).

It's not a matter of "do I have to keep reposting in all my replies", it's a matter of "if you'd answer the question in the first place, it wouldn't keep getting asked over and over again, which is why it keeps getting asked over and over again".

You've also not made it clear if you're using a wireless combination set. Is this a set of keyboard and mouse for wireless, or is this a wireless dongle for the mouse and a second wireless dongle for the keyboard? Yes, it can make a difference.

I posted the link to NEW in the box CURRENT shipping products ready for pick-up. FACT. Absolute fact. These are items that will be stocked and are not discontinued according to the manufacturor directly, whom I called each of myself to confirm and validate. You also negate yourself if you claim you bought a netbook and wanted better, faster chips, because that's not what they put in netbooks. ANd what you bought is a netbook, not a notebook.

I know, semantics. I should STFU..... But I won't. There is a difference. It makes a difference.

Then again, it's an Asus EEE PC 1001P, not an Asus Ess PC 1001P. Yes, it makes a difference as well. I know, STFU.....

You never addressed your driver udpates fully. Now you at least address the netbook, but not necessarily any external hardware.

Notebook keyboard works on all programs except DMX? Hmm, sounds like a problem with how the notebook handles things. But, are we talking NETBOOK or NOTEBOOK? There is a distinction. Sure, semantics. Let me just say a few things about that: The words we choose can make a massive world of difference, so being accurate is key and critical. And yes it is my job to point those sort of things out because a missed word or wrongly chosen word can literally cost MILLIONS in dollars. So NOW you say you called a port a hub. Well, a port isn't a hub, it's dramatically different. And so what if we're not in front of a judge. I'm trying to HELP, and you're not providing accurate information.

Let me share a little story about how not being accurate doesn't help the situation:
I'm doing tech support for a product. Let me get real specific on how I can support this product: I helped write the firmware for it as well as helped develop and engineer the product from the ground UP. Yeah, I made the product.(and it's still shipping).
Guy calls up saying he has problems with it. I'm going through my checklist. He's telling me the modem is plugged in, it's pluggged into the computer, it's powered on. I'm ASSURED all hardware interconnectivity is intact and 100% working, down to the midline power transformer and the IEC cable from power strip to midline transformer. He even tells me the lights are on(it also has an LCD display and a front panel interface).
He's claiming he's got his communication program running. He's claiming it was working fine yesterday. Same com port, won't try others. OK, fine.
Rebooting, no progress.
After 2 hours of running the same procedures over and over again(albeit with slightly different settings, about all I can think is to do a softwarereset on the modem via the front panel and start back to factory defaults for the default ASYNC profile, as I think he somehow slammed it into synchronous mode.
I isntruct him to use the front panel(as I have mine in front of me), and all the sudden, we make progress:
"Uh, where's the modem?"
What do you mean "where is the modem? I've been on the phone for 2 hours and you don't even have the modem? You told me it was here in the room with you and you confirmed which lights were on"
"Uh, I think it's in my car, let me go check...."
5 minutes later, he has his modem from his car in his hand and plugs it in. Wow, it works. GO figure.
$300 mistake. (2 hours at $150/hour)

It's not that my product is perfect either. I've had some failures due to manufacturing issues, it happens. I've had a few dead ones sent back.

Wireless keyboard doesn't work with myDMX and works with others:
Again, I'm hearing driver/HAL issues here.

1: Directly state that you are using the latest MyDMX software release. Post up what version it says you're running. I think it's March 2009, but I could be wrong. I have the latest on my computer(not the one I am on now, it has no reason to ever have MyDMX on it).

I mean, if it's such an issue, you can get XP Home for relatively affordable and cram it on that computer in a couple of hours, even less if you have SP3 on a stick or a CD or on an external hard drive(I have my service packs and my core software load on a 16GB USB stick to be more convenient). XP MODE is not the same as XP, as Microsoft is trying to kill off what works in favor of "latest and greatest not working properly software" as they are trying to really move away from Vista like no effort I've seen them do since really Windows 3.1. But the issues with Windows 3.1 were much different because we moved from 16-bit to 32-bit and developer support was too troublesome.

Again, if all you need is a lighted surface, why not a light? Why not a different interface? Why not down-rev your OS to meet your requirements?

Do this now:
You have the wireless mouse working with MyDMX. Move it around to the different USB ports. See if that success follows around to all the ports. One issue I have NOT tried on mine is that I don't move the mouse dongle. I'm using a 17" MacBook Pro. if you've seen one of these, they have 2 USB ports on the left and 1 on the right, and my mouse dongle is on the right, which is where I want it, so I don't have need to move it.

If the USB ports all work with the wireless mouse and MyDMX(you don't need the MyDMX dongle plugged in for this testing), then repeat with the wireless keyboard. Sometimes, for STUPID reasons, some hardware will "marry" to a particular port and then will only work properly there. This is largely a vanishing problem but still exists. This is a maker issue that can only be resolved by buying something else. Yeah, sucks. But, sometimes its voltage issue, and the USB ports may not all provide proper power, even within the same laptop, so don't' necessarily assume too much.

With earlier MacBooks, you had to use a specific USB port with your ProTools interface because it was more of a master/prioritized USB port. The bad thing was this was NOT where people wanted to plug in their interfaces. Apple learned from this mistake.

Some computers literally use some of the USB ports as a virtual hub, if not ALL of them. And MyDMX doesn't like hubs(virtual or otherwise). You need to discover is this is true. I've also seen computer companies do things non-standard because well, hey, it works for them so therefore it should just flat out work, and then they tweak drivers to help it out. Dell released a line of computers with USB ports that don't work proper under Windows 2000 or XP, but do work under Vista. I mean, WTF? You have to make an effort that costs a lot of money to do retarded stuff like that. It should be further noted that these computers ALSO don't run worth a crap under Windows 7(USB is the least of those issues). As a former DELL VAR(value added reseller), I can state that I saw some wierd things with some series of machines.

Now, there's something else you need to do:
DO NOT boot with your MyDMX hardware plugged in. Boot up, login(if necessary) and then plug in your hardware. Of course, any MIDI and other dongles ideally should also be plugged in before launcing MyDMX.

How far do you need to go with your wireless keyboard? This how is an issue. Have you tried any wired keyboards? Excuse me for thinking out loud, but my little Korg nano controllers have an unusually long USB cable(in my opinion), but my point is that perhaps a wired solution via a longer USB cable would work.

Also, how many triggers do you need?

Seriously. You want a lighted surface, and I don't see the need for wireless if you have a long enough cable, so maybe let's think outside the box:

Novation Launchpad

That's 64 lighted buttons. That's a LOT of triggers. Heck, I'm tempted to get one myself. I bet there' ways to do more with that than what I see on the surface.

Or, maybe the Akai APC20 or 40 for pads plus faders? Again, light up pads!
Link to Akai APC40

Sorry, I won't be downloading a manual as I don't want the Akamai spyware crap on my network.

Contact ASUS. Perhaps the Chinese can explain why they cut excessive corners. It's sounding like this isn't the right machine for the job.
Thanks Jingles. You are the type of person that keeps me as a customer. Service. I appreciate that. I have downloaded your file and will install it tonight.

I'm not even going to try to reply to Chris (though I STILL appreciate his input). I don't know what I have done to unnerve him. I'm not a regular poster here and have no agenda to prove. I have been using myDMX for over a year with no issues until now. Everything Chris stated to try - I have before I posted on this site.

Chris: Terminate me as an employee? LOL. That's why I've been self-employed since 1974. That gave me the biggest grin this week. Same back at ya for customer relations! Your Fired! <grin>. Come on Chris. We're not dealing with life and death issues here. Relax.

Again I repeat myself: On said Netbook, all I'm wanting to use is myDMX software and this wireless illuminated keyboard USB Mini Illuminated Keyboard. Another Look Nothing else.

I assign a scene to a trigger on the keyboard and can walk around 30' and operate my light shows. It's a great setup for me. After all, who needs a stinkin' cord anyway? <VBG>

I have updated all my posts to have an accurate reporting of my issues.
Last edited by Former Member
Jingles Only Please: I have installed the new myDMX software (Apr 30 2010) you have posted on this thread. The outcome is the same. No external keyboards are working with myDMX.

Please read below:

My current 'working' setup is a Toshiba laptop running Vista, + external USB wireless illuminated keyboard (posted link on previous reply above), w/no problems for over a year now. I want to replicate this setup on a Netbook.

Here is my problem in a nutshell. I bought a new ASUS Eee PC 1001p, 'Netbook', Windows 7 Professional OS and installed myDMX on it. I'm seeking a setup using a smaller computer just to run myDMX exclusively instead of using a full-size laptop.

I need to run an external keyboard to trigger my scenes as my preference to run my shows. I have tried everything with myDMX to run an external keyboard on this new Windows 7 machine. I have tried hard-wired USB full-sized keyboards made by two manufactures: MS & HP. I have tried my USB wireless keyboard with the same results. All my external keyboards work on every installed program on this ASUS computer except myDMX.

The 'touchpad' on this machine works on myDMX for changing scenes and I can use a USB hard-wired mouse and USB wireless mouse for changing scenes - but not an external keyboard.

All my drivers are current - the BIOS is current. The drivers for myDMX are:

DAS (Siudi-Stick) USB (03/15/2010 1.2.3)
DAS (Siudi) USB (03/15/2010 1.5.0)

What would be so different from my working setup on the Toshiba Vista Laptop vs a Netbook Windows 7 machine?

I appreciate your reply and hoping to find a cure soon.
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by Jingles:
Which driver folder did you copy into the my dmx folder? Also I can't remember and i don't want to go back and re read you installed the proper driver for either 32 bit or 64 bit? The one for 32 is labeled only 32. There is one for 32 and 64. If your on a 32 bit try just the 32 bit driver folder.

I copied the 'siudi_32_bit' driver folder into the myDMX folder. The Asus Netbook is a 32-bit Windows 7 machine. No results.

I then copied the entire 'Driver' folder into myDMX folder - same results. External keyboard(s) not working.

When I first plugged in each keyboard I tried (3 total) the Netbook self-installed drivers and each keyboard worked on all installed programs except myDMX.

On this Netbook and on my Toshiba laptop, simply plugging in the keyboard made it the default device.

On a side note, the Netbook's keyboard works on everything too, but not on myDMX.
Originally posted by LiveVegasShow:
Originally posted by Jingles:
OK great. That information is really helpful. You should have told me that earlier. Can/have you tried setting it up as the default keyboard in device manager?

I can (and have) make it the default device and the same problem exists.

If it can be of service to ADJ, I can send you this Netbook to research on if that is an option. My only claim is to send it back with myDMX working on an external keyboard <very big grin>.

The icon on the desktop is present for both sides of Windows 7 Professional. By that I mean one desktop icon for myDMX and when I select Start>All Programs>I see one Icon for myDMX and an Icon that states "myDMX (Windows XP Mode)".

My offer is still there to send you this Netbook, since my original intention is to use myDMX exclusively on this machine.

I appreciate your communication on this.

Rich Kessler

For grins, I ordered the Logitech diNovo Mini wireless USB keyboard Logitech diNovo Mini which is also backlighted. I should receive it in a few days. Though I have no issues with my current wireless illuminated keyboard, the Logitech diNove Mini wireless USB keyboard looks to be better constructed and from a major manufacturer. I will report back to you if this solves my 'Netbook' Windows 7 problems with myDMX.

I don't have high hopes that it will, but I can certainly use it with my Vista 'laptop' with myDMX that I have success on.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by LiveVegasShow:

For grins, I ordered the Logitech diNovo Mini wireless USB keyboard Logitech diNovo Mini which is also back lighted. I should receive it in a few days. Though I have no issues with my current wireless illuminated keyboard, the Logitech diNovo Mini wireless USB keyboard looks to be better constructed and from a major manufacturer. I will report back to you if this solves my 'Netbook' Windows 7 problems with myDMX.

I don't have high hopes that it will, but I can certainly use it with my Vista 'laptop' with myDMX that I have success on.

Jingles. Same results on the Logitech diNovo Mini wireless USB keyboard. Everything works from this wireless keyboard, from the mouse pad to scrolling up and down on the myDMX 'User' panel, but pressing on the 'Number' or "Letter' keys produces no results (I have triggers saved to each key). But - this wireless keyboard works on everything else I have installed on the Netbook. Really frustrating to say the least. Any updates?

Edit: I used this Logitech diNovo Mini on my Toshiba Satellite A135-S4527 Vista Laptop and it works flawlessly with myDMX. No issues.
Last edited by Former Member

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