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I play in a 5 piece Classic Rock Band, which plays in various size clubs and some outdoor events... everything from bar gigs to high paying wedding receptions and company/corporate functions.

Our stage are is usually about 14 foot deep and 24 foot facing the dance floor. My goal is to do moderate creative lighting for the band and moderate mood lighting for the dance floor... I am not to sure overly fancy lasers and robotic lights fit our classic rock image... but would like to purchase at least 2 more lights for the audience/dance floor area...

I currently have 3 light trees... one at the front corner of the stage on each side of the band next to the PA columns... and 1 at the back center of the stage... each front tree has 6 TriSpot LED (for the band), a TriPhase LED (for the dance floor) and a Par 64 LED (for the band)... The center tree has 2 H2O DMX Pro (both for the dance area)...

I would like 2 more lights for the dance/audience area and was hoping to put them on the center tree, as that is where I have available bar area... I want to keep with LED or Laser and they must be DMX... I prefer no dimmer packs...

I really got close to purchasing the Galaxian Sky, but stopped after reading that under DMX, the sky effect will not be produced... I also thought about (as a third purchase) a Messenger, but think that the dot matrix and variable color of the scrolling text may look cheesy... as a side note, I find that our audiences do not like fog, so I have left fog out of the show... I use the my DMX software if that matters...

Any help with recommendations would be appreciated!

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for a good audience laser effect check out the atmospheric RG LEd ( ) or Hypnotic RGB ( )

For a LED effect I would like to say something from the Vio Series but it can be compared to the Tri phase but will most assuredly be brighter than the tripahse...
Take a look:
Look at the Vio moon, Vio roll or Vio scan.
Thanx... They have YouTube blocked here at work... but from the pics, it looks like the Atmospheric and Hypnotic are similar except that the later includes Green... is that correct?

Also, the 3 VIOs look similar but the Moon may be a little more sturdy and compact...

I know that I'll need to check out the video's but at this point I am leaning towards the Hypnotic and/or Moon....

I do things pretty symetrically... kinda boring, but I am old and like things to be balanced (go figure) in either case, for what I have and for what I am doing... if I were to get 2 of 1 and 1 of the other... what would be the recomendation... 2 Hyp and 1 Moon, or 1 Hyp and 2 Moon?

The Dance Floor area can be considered 24 foot by 24 foot (I'm guessing)

Thanx again!
Ya the atmospheric has a red and green laser with a blue LED behind a glass rotating gobo, kinda like the H20 you have. The hypnotic has no LEDs and red green and blue lasers. so yes they are similar but the hyptnotic is purely a laser effect.

I actually have 2 vio moons and a vio roll and scan here with me to demo for a bit and I must say the moon is a really good fixture. It seems almost brighter than the scan and roll.
Let me know when you are not at work and i will post a link to my vio series video. I'm gonna try to record more videos of them too.

I would say 2 moons and one hypnotic would be a good combo. The laser will really fill the floor with cool effects and you only need one but with the moons you may need two and you can cross them to get a wider angle out of them.
A link would be great... I would probably be able to view videos after 4 PMish...

I am surprised a little about the Atmo and Hyp being so physically different... the stock pics of the effect look pretty close to the same, so I'll deffinately need to watch the video for those...

I like the idea of 2 Moons and 1 Hyp for monetary reasons, so no hard sell there...

Ok... say I end up adding the 2 Moons and 1 Hyp to my set up... am I lacking for anything to have a really decent show for a 24 X 24 dance area and the 14 X 24 stage?

I am not too concerned about audience or by-standers... if they are not active, they can go outside and smoke (just kidding!) but I do know that most folks will move a little closer to the action, so I want to bring them closer...
Thanx for the video's that helps a lot...I am not sure between the Atmospheric and the Hypnotic now... they seem pretty similar, but the Atmo is half the price of the Hypno... am I missing something? functionality? Can both produce everything in the video's even under DMX? It was surprising that the Gal Sky does not do the sky mode under DMX...

Thanx again
well the hyp and the atmo both use 2 dmx channels. And both have the same dmx traits. it's just on the atmo the "blue" in a laser not a LED. The price difference is probably due to different build and adding in the blue laser which is not cheap. Both should be able to achieve the same effects shown in the video. I do another video taken at the mobile beat show in Las Vegas in Feburary of this year.

Watch it in HD. Smiler
Understood.... If you watch the video a few times, you can see enough difference in the effects between the Atmo and the Hyp... I think the Hyp may be a little more flexible for my purposes... since I have H2O's already, I would rather have the 3 laser effect and kinda let the H2O's do more of the blue wash kind of look... also, in this vieo... about 2:40 in,the font says Hypnotic RG Blue LED Hyp

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