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SO, I am having this issue where I can't get the par to just shine? I can only get it to strobe and I can't figure it out?

I have been reading the manual and everything, but maybe I am not getting something here? THere aer 6 channels, all work except for the Strobe which creates either a strobe, or no light if it is turned all the way down. But then when I control channel one, I can't get just a one solid shining beam?

Any help would be greatly appreciated - kkorpos at mac dot com
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I wanted to add to this. I just plugged the par in - to see what it was going in real life - without the visualizer. It seems that I can use the settings in the manual to get it to stop strobing.

Any idea as to why I am having trouble with the 3d visualizer and why that program isn't making the light response correctly? Does it have something to do with the program, or the profile?

Not a big deal - it's probably best that I program my lights live anyway - so I am just going to go that route, rather than using the visualizer.

Wish me luck!
I was just using the profile that was supplied in the updated software. I wasn't really sure how to go about installing the downloaded ssl files so that I could open them in the program?

I assume that there is a particular folder they should be placed into - but I just couldn't find it while exploring. And...I wasn't sure if the 200b profile you could download on the website was the same as the one that was included with the software update.
Well if you down load the chauvet folder then all you have to do is open up the chauvet folder on your desktop, then find your my dmx folder in your program files then find scanlibrary then find the chauvet folder and simply drag all the profiles into the chauvet folder from the my dmx directory and then the next time you load up the software they should all be in there. let me know if this is confusing you at all. sincerely,

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