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Hello. I am brand new to djing. My father and I purchased a sound system for me to use as a part-time job during high school. Anyway, I keep seeing and hearing about "intelligent lighting" and I have no idea what it is. Would someone please explain to me what Intelligent lighting is and how it is used?

Please forgive me if this is a stuipid question, but I don't know, so the only way I'll learn is to ask questions!!!
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SoundMaster welcome the the ADJ forum.

Intelligent lighting basically is higher end lights that have a flat or barrel mirror. then on the inside it has the colors and gobos "shapes". to view some examples of intelligent lights do this... goto -> Dropdown menu "lighting products" -> then find and click "intelligent".

some intelligent lights have more features than other like dimming, strobing in any color/gobo, etc., yada yada. and that usually makes the prices higher than others. the costs range from 299.99<< DJ compact lights, all the way to $15,000 << h|ghend/club/performance lights

if you view the intelligent lights that ADJ and elation has there are big and small difference than other intelligent lights.

i hope this helped clear some of this up. If you go to your local DJ dealer they usually may/will tell the same thing.
Hi SoundMaster, look the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.

Can I simplify the response to your question. Simply put intelligent lighting is a form of lighting that utilises an electronic processor in it's circuitry to create the lighting effects, controlling such things as x-y movement, colour changing, gobos/patterns, strobing etc giving the impression it is somehow intelligent compared the other lighitng effects. With intelligent lighting you also need an intelligent controller or computer to run them. Because of this they tend to cost a lot more and are more complicated than the average lighting effect.

Non intellegent lighting effects are simply ones with a motor and globe that spin randomly or via audio source and rely on simple optics or mirrors to create the effect.

I hope this explains the concept to you.

ROQ out.

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