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My year-old GX-300 just died on me. I was plugging in a second speaker and when i turned it on, the fan started making a noise like something was stuck in it. i turned it off, saw nothing in the fan, then turned it back on, only it didn't actually turn on!!

I need this amp to work, but i'm not sure if it's still under warantee. HELP!!!!

holy ****, i just pulled the fuse, it looks baked. this may be it... i hope.
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Hey, Joey, maybe you can help me on this. Where can i find this stupid fuse? I went to 2 hardware stores and RadioShack, no one had this 7A 250V fuse (not one in the right size, at least). This is really bugging me. is this another proprietary thing, like the wiring for AC adapters?
I was looking for a couple hard-to-find fuses, and i foud all of them and more at my local hardware store, Aubuchon. Go there if you have them nearby, but if not, just look for a small hardware store (home depot didnt have any fuses for DJ gear/lights) and they should have rows and rows of pull-out drawers full of every fuse you can think of.

good luck
Originally posted by DJ SKILZ:
[qb] did you try your local DJ store??? [/qb]
no, only big names around here (there was a neat little store, but they went belly up). I was surprised that the first store didn't have it (as mentioned they had tons of pull out shelves). i guess i'll just have to look harder, maybe find some more stores. Frowner
I'm not sue if it's a slow bloe fuse or fast but try these.......
Slow Blow fuse
Fast Blow fuse

If you can wait until tomorrow, call support. Let them know that the fuse looks "baked", and ask if they can send you one. I'm not sure if they have to charge you for it, but since you said your amp is only 1 year old, they can probably send you one n/c, it's allot cheaper then shipping the amp back and forth to try. They may ask you to send your blown fuse in, if you're in a hurry just ask if they can ship the fuse to you right away, and promise to send them the blown fuse..... Wink
Thanks, Stevie, but these are all way too big (the guy at radioshack was just as confused that they didn't have it).

I'll do a little more hunting then get in contact with spport.

all help appreciated, guys, this is the reason i love this place.

BTW- i'm not actually sure about how old this amp is... Eeker
well i can tell you one reason why radio shack didnt have it. becouse they hire a bunch of people with down syndrome in there and you have to tell them your phone number 4 times so you can buy a package of $3 batteries. go to guitar center they carry all types of fuses for amps and if they dont have it they can order it and have it for you in like 2 - 3 days.. uif all else fails go and look at a demo amp and pull the fuse out of it and be nice (of course) and put the blown one in to replace it. lol
Originally posted by DJ Resound:
[qb] go to guitar center they carry all types of fuses for amps and if they dont have it they can order it and have it for you in like 2 - 3 days.. [/qb]
More like 6 weeks to a year...I hate ordering stuff from GC. If it's not in stock and I can leave with it that day, I'll go mail-order, thank you. It took them over SIX MONTHS to get me a drum head for my kit. Whatdafreak!?!

Oh, hope the new fuse works. Smiler You could try this if it doesn't work: Link Here
Originally posted by DJ Resound:
[qb] you dont remember me from band camp? i had the flute and we were... ah nevermind...

Dude seriously you need some help with your website? [/qb]
no, thant ok, i just haven't been goog about the upkeep lately.

check it out, it's been totally relaunched.

Bill, i guess you've got slackers at your GC, i got a counterwieght within a week. Oh, well, thanks, guys.

uh, resound, thats one intresting avatar you got there...
Originally posted by DJ Resound:
[qb] stevie made me change it! i think its time for a battle mix brawl Razzer

dude your site has hella pop ups. its annoyign the hell out of me! one said i won a gift certificate to burger king for 50 bucks. YEAH RIGHT 50 bucks at burger king will get you FAT! [/qb]
get the google bar for you're browser. it's free and blocks pop-ups.

i hate free services for this reason, but i just don't want to have to pay for something when what i've got will do. The pop-ups are an avoidable side-effect.

Oh, and i know a few people who could find a use for 50 bucks at burger king Roll Eyes
Trumpet??? HA!!! Drumline/Bassoonist all the way baby!!! Speaking of drumline today was our seventh day of boot, i mean band camp... beat the 80 shups (pushups) i did last monday!!! Lets see, over 100 jumping jacks today, yesterday we did a 4 to 5 at 164 bpm for o say 600 yards... (if you have no clue what a 4 to 5 is thats 4 steps to 5 yards, marching band thing, 4 all you non band nerds)luckily with out the basses on or i would probably have died...
Originally posted by DJ Tekno:
[qb] Trumpet??? HA!!! Drumline/Bassoonist all the way baby!!!

beat the 80 shups (pushups) i did last monday!!! Lets see, over 100 jumping jacks today, yesterday we did a 4 to 5 at 164 bpm for o say 600 yards... (if you have no clue what a 4 to 5 is thats 4 steps to 5 yards, marching band thing, 4 all you non band nerds)luckily with out the basses on or i would probably have died... [/qb]
Hey, it's what i do.

Marching at 160 with bass drums, the concept makes me dizzy. Oof, that WOULD suck.
maybe not dizzy but i've almost blacked out a couple of times when i was on the 28' last year when we were marching 6 basses, and this year its 4 basses. But all of the drumline has learned one very valuable lesson, before the 1-4pm outside rehearsal (usually between 80-110 degreess, today it was 87), DO NOT eat Chinese food, its like chugging milk right before you go run 2 miles. now that would make u "Oof".
Originally posted by DJ Tekno:
[qb] maybe not dizzy but i've almost blacked out a couple of times when i was on the 28' last year when we were marching 6 basses, and this year its 4 basses. But all of the drumline has learned one very valuable lesson, before the 1-4pm outside rehearsal (usually between 80-110 degreess, today it was 87), DO NOT eat Chinese food, its like chugging milk right before you go run 2 miles. now that would make u "Oof". [/qb]
thanks for the thought
Originally posted by DJ Tekno:
[qb] Lol, its better to find out from others than have to experience it yourself... [/qb]
yeah, we only march 2 times each year, and this year a whole bunch of people fainted (mostly in the iddle school band, those fakers), but yeah, marching in hot wheater is horrible, especially if you have to go through standing for a 1-hour memorial day service with speakers who love the sound of their own voice Mad Mad Mad

alright, i'm ok now... Big Grin
Lol, i know that feeling, we march every week (football games) and 3 contest and 1 exibition (just marching, you get scored but your not competing against the other bands). Right now we are working on drill... 23 sets for the 1st movement and we have 3 movements... O boy, all the fun we're going to have in the next 8 weeks... How big is your band?
2 bands, a Concert Band and a Wind Ensemble. Combined, there are about 200 people. Next year, it will be about 300, or so it seems.

we compete at the North American Music Festival, so we go on really awesome band trips every year to places like Orlando and Virginia Beach.

Fun stuff...usually Razzer
is the North American Music Festival in Boston this year? I play bassoon in wind ensemble and in our high school philharmonic which got invited somewhere in Boston this year. Since I can't march a bassoon I'm all about the percussion during marching season. We have 2 band, concert band and wind ensemble and for marching they combine. I know our band isn't nearly that big.

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