only thing i don't understand is "jumpers" lol. Ok u address on the units and plug them in via dmx going dmx out of controller in to light outto next light then for you that is the end of the line for now. now on most DMX lines it is recommended to use a terminator but you dont have to worry about that for now. here is a pic of what the dip switches are and the corresponding values.
now for your lights ur gonna need the first dip up and the rest down. unless dip 10 (if u have one) might need to be up for DMX mode i don;t know for sure. for your second light if u want it to be on the same fixture button it needs to have dips 3 and 1 up on ur second fixture. ok? once these are properly addressed they will work on your controller. if u want the second led to be on the next fixture button dips 5 nd 1 need to be up. understand? peace! hope this helps. sincerely,