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Hi could someone please let me know if this is possible..

I have 4 of the same model scanners on in one scene. I would like them to move in a circular motion but each light in a different direction.(sort of so the beams criscross each other)

If I use the effects generator I can get the circular motion no problems but all the lights follow the same path.

is there a way to apply the effects to each light induvidually?

Many thans for any advice you can offer
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Hey PaulC, I'd had asked the same question and got a reply that I would only be able to do it if I did it step by step. Here's how I wound up doing it. In the generator, I only selected 2 scanners to apply the effect (1&3) then I made a scene with it. After that, I went into the scene to edit it, and select scanners 3&4 and set them to the opposite direction of each step created in the generator (I used a diamond pattern, so I only had to do 4 opposite steps) and got the effect I was looking for (Think search lights). You can see what it came out like at the beginning of this video I made,

Hope that helps!
Have you tried using the "phasing" function in FX? If not, try this:
1.) From editor, hit FX and select all 4 of your scanner lights.
2.) Select the pattern and # of points in the pattern.
3.) Hit the play button with FX still open
4.) Slide the phase slider (to the right of pattern select buttons).

As you slide the phase up, the lights will still follow the pattern selected, but will do it at different times. Should give a similar effect to what DJ Access has in the video.

Once you get the correct amount of "out of phase" that you like, you can save the scene.

Good luck!

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