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Hi I have a profile for a Intimidator Scan Led 100 which works fine apart from the fact there are no colours on the Gobos, there simply numbered 1 to 7 on the 3D visualiser.

Is it possible to edit each gobo and put the correct color in each one?

I have looked at the scan library editor and loaded the profile, then gonne in to the gobo channel (#5) dropped down the box and doubled clicked each gobo and changed the colour there, saved the file and all seems ok but when I use the edited profile in the visualiser it is the same as the original one and the gobos are still just white lights.

Is there a solution to this is so how do i fix it?

many thanks
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Hi James it is 6 channel according to the manual.

I appricate you offering to do this for me which is great but is there any where I can find out how to do it myself as well just for the future and I have other lights I need to 'adjust'

also just to add to the above the gobo
patterns would be good as well !!

thanks Paul


I am using the editor now and am fiding it very interesting its just a case of working it out and understanding things !!
Just thought I'd update on this as I have actually managed to work it out so thought I'd share it for other users if you want to know how to add specific gobos...

1 - I downloaded the gobo images of the web in my case for a Chauvet Intimidator Scan Led 100

2 - Open the images in Photoshop (or alternative program)

3 - Ensure the background of the image is made transparant. I used the 'Magic Eraser' which worked well but needed a bit of fine tuning!

4 - Save the file as a GIF - I tried other formats but this was the one that saved the transparancy

5 - open up your scanlibrary Editor

6 - Open up the Gobo Editor

7 - Go to File - Import and import the gif you created

8 - Save the file in the gobo editor to the Icon folder which is a sub folder of the Scanlibrary folder

tip. if you name the gobo you have created with numbers e.g. 001pink or 002star etc if comes up first in the images of gobos in the library making it easier to find !

9 - close the gobo editor and your image should appear in the window below.

please note the images are not 100% perfect but once I applied them to the light profile and played with in the visulisor it looked good enough to work with all the coluors seem pretty good and the images are fine enough to work with.

hope this helps some of you !!
No no no, the naming is wrong. They need to have a "G" in front of ANY name for a gobo icon. The G is used to catorgorize the order of the icons. kinda like how the colors are "C". for example the 3 beam gobo has a file name of
"G3beam2.ico" Check and make sure the editor is saving them with the "G" in the file name please.
Also i do believe we have all the proper gobo icons already in the library for these fixtures. Did you check the library Paul?
Also .png saves transparency better than .gif and if you could send me .png's I can actually have them converted over in much better quality for the 3D. Let me know.
Hi James - I have go off to my celler and battered myself around the face with a leather strap for not follwowing the rules lol ! Sorry.

I take your point about the naming structure but (there always was going to be a but !!) if it works if works ? I did name my first few attempts starting with a g (more by chance than knowing what you have said) the problem I found was having to spend time then looking for them in the images. The way I suggested above places the icons at the top of the list and once I have appllied them to the profile they work fine

I agree with png's though but I didn't get that far when testing saving the files although I will use them in the future if I need to do more.

As far as I could see there were only two of the original gobos in the library with the correct colour The red Heart & Yellow Star. There were two of the others but they were not coloured so when adding them to the profile the beam was just white.

In honesty I did the gobos fairy roughly as I was just testing but after seeing them work on the profile and in the visuliser they look absolutly fine for designing purpose and getting an idea of what the real lights will perform.

I can email you the profile if you like to see what you think James? I will ALWAYS bow to your better knowledge and judgment !
I'm just saying that if you don't use "G" it could very well not end up in the section the gobo list see's to show you the icon. That's all. you could very use G001gobo and it will show up at the top. If you send me the profile to look at you will also have to send the .ico and .evg files in the icon folder and make sure they match. Fun huh? lol
Two lashes! LOL joking. No worries.

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