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Ok so I am back to post about my dcd 1000 and unfortunately I do not really have any good news.

I was very hesitant to post another message on here about my dcd pro 1000 since as some of you know I was having problems with.

Well I sent my unit in for repair last week. Surprisingly I recieved the unit a day after it was sent in. I was glad about that. Now I didnt come on here to let people know that the customer repair service was great, and I was pleased with the quick turn around.

Now I needed to test the unit to make sure all was really well. Now I was under the impression that when I sent in the unit that it would undergo a full system check. I guess I was wrong. The main problem which had to do with a mechanical assembly was fixed. This weekend the unit was used at 2 events to undergo some real testing. Friday night we were able to notice that the left side of the unit is still reading cd's slowly and sometimes does not want to read past certain tracks at least not right away. Ok fine problem noted, now on Saturday we saw something very strange, put the disc in and we get an error message. Come to realize that the draw is not closing in all the way sometimes and either need to be reopened and then closed or just pushed in.

2 year warranty on the machine is great, but again I say that I have only had the unit for roughly 3 months, it has already been sent in for repairs once and now another problem.

I will be making a call to joey tomorrow, because this is getting ridiculous.

oh yeah & the unit is mounted in a calzone case & we dont throw our equipment around so we can rule out that factor.
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