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OK, you're starting to make me crazy here. Well, crazier.

Fumbling around the ADJ site today, I found the Punch LED Pro, which appears to me to be an LED alternate for the Color Fusion. I'm not accusing ADJ of phasing anything out. With two Color Fusions on a 15-amp circuit running flat out, well, that's as close as you can get to popping a circuit without popping it.

You just want me to get rid of those 32 Par38's I have, don't you?

If I wasn't so strapped right now, I'd be jumping on the LED bandwagon. It appears to be addressing most of my power issues, although there are still more traditional bulb fixtures I just can't go without. However, ParCans can be replaced, that's for sure.
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I totally agree. Kenny Loggin's last show was totally moving yoke intels with the exception of some sort of flat color changer panels, while other acts like the Moody Blues and Chicago still do use a lot of ParCan's, but do use the yokes for lots of things including spot-type functions. I won't comment on ratios, but I am seeing an increase in moving yokesfor many functions. I bought some Chauvet QSpot 150's so I won't be too far behind, but still, basic movers will get me enough attention.

I don't think ParCans will be going away any time soon. However, this LED thing is looking more attactive to me all the time. I think next year I'll go LED. Too bad there aren't affordable Par38 LED bulbs with the same lumens output of incandescents. It's more economical to get the DMX Par64's.
hey chris i actually got a quesion for ya. i am a contestant for the elation E# challenge. and i have to design a house of worship on compuware now the staging and the truss is all preset for me. but i was wondering exactly how much movers and how much pars and what type would suit a house of worship best?? keeping in mind it is a multi functional stage where bands could play and dances, etc. i will post a few links to my phoyobucket account with the pics there. not too sure if i can publicly post em on the adj forum. your "two watts" on the subject are appreaciated. jingles! Wink
Well, I see a poor overall truss design, but that's apparently not your fault.

The back truss over the audience I would populate with Par64's in banks of colors, each multi-colored bank focused to a section of the stage. That is assuming the throw is sufficient.

Back truss: Same deal. You want front and back lighting to give depth. Be in sepparate banks though so you have front/back control

Back truss again: You could certainly put some movers on there. Maybe 4-6, depending on what you wanted.

Front of stage: More Par64's, but not as many. Some movers, but fewer than the Back. use these movers for hitting the audience and room, as well as in-stage spots.

Side Trusses: Depends on what you want. Movers would be overkill. probably color changers or ParCan's.

It's hard to say what suits a house of worship. I don't have love for these establishments as they tend to low-ball me, then screw me over. Personally? Put 100-watt incadescent bults all around and hope for the best. Regardless of what you do, they'll complain.

Just keep in mind I'm a sound guy first, and lights is not even cracking my top10 list. I'd rather to audio transfers, film transfers, video transfers, computer work, network design, song-writing, recording and ohter tasks before tackle lights.

While I am pleased with the MI-value of American DJ lights, to me lighting is a necessary evil as I want to do sound. But, I have to have lights to do sound apparently.

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