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hello to all,

i would like to take this time to go over a few things that have been bugging me for some time now. when adj put out the velocity, it was incredible. i could do so much with it, i was extremely happy. i was one of the first people to have bought a velocity. now, several years later, i am EXTREMELY disappointed. i understand that buttons wear out, and buffers fail...but how come ive had to put several hundred dollars worth of parts in both my velocity's every 6 months for the past 2 years? can u imagine, djing in south beach, and having your cd player skip in front of 5000 people? or better yet, this past saturday when i was playing in pittsburgh and one of my velocity's just started smoking for no apparent reason. so not only was one side totally dead, the other side's buffer decided to fail, thus making every other cd/cdr skip like it was a radio shack cd player from 1982. yes i do know the velocity line is no longer being sold (except for the new mp3 version) and yes i know the dcd1000 is supposedly better, but holy ****, my life is djing/remixing/production...since day 1, i wanted to be different, i didnt want to go buy the ******* cdj's...i wanted a company to step up to the plate and prove itself as a leader in dj technology. unfortunately, i will no longer be supporting or using any american audio/dj products due to the fact that 1. the cd players are soo unreliable. 2. your customer service and the people you have working for you give 2 ****s less about its customers and only care about making money. 3. i dont like putting 200 dollars every 6 months into a cd player.
one would hope that, in the future, american dj/audio as a company sits down and figures out how to design a cd player that is rock solid, like the dcdpro 500 once was. until then, unfortunately you have lost my business and my respect as a leader in dj gear.
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