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Fade time is not the issue. We're (well at least *I* am) speaking of the X-Scan's built-in movements, whose speed are controlled by DMX channel 8. Sometimes, it seems channel 8 is completely ignored when switching between scenes, so it will start going fast on its own. Nothing to do with fade times, as there aren't any fade times, because it's running its own program.
You can use the FX Generator to make yourself a smooth transition. But, that may not actually do what you want all the time.

If you're going from a fixed Point A from the previous scene to a new Point B in the next scene, it would work good. But, let's say you're using a different scene(C) which has a different ending point, then going to Scene B wouldn't be AS smooth at least not for the first couple of steps.

I'm getting quite frustrated with you as you really aren't understanding the situation so I will explain it yet again.

We are referring to the INTERNAL PROGRAMS on the X-Scans. This has absolutely nothing to do with steps, scenes, FX generation, nor anything like that. Since we only need ONE step with STATIC VALUES to make the light do its own movements, it has nothing to do with fade times, or changing scenes or anything I've already said. This is not a DMX programming problem. This is a problem with the FIXTURE.

In fact, when it comes to MyDMX, the scenes I have set up to play these internal programs have only one step - and that is to tell the X-Scan do do its own internal programs, via DMX channels 7 and 8 (and the others are set for shutter open, and choice of color, gobo, etc). Channel 7 determines which of the 12 internal macros to play, and channel 8 determines how fast or slow the programs will run. This is where the problem comes in - when we switch scenes, sometimes channel 8 is completely ignored and the proper macro will play, but not at the speed we've explicitly set. Other times, it will work perfectly.

For example. Say I have a scene which tells the X-Scan to play MOVEMENT 12 at a slow speed.
DMX 7=255 (every 21 or so is a new internal macro, so 255 would be 12)
DMX 8=255 (255 = slow, 0 = fast)

Now if I switch to another scene that even has the same values, except maybe color is different, and go back to this one, my X-Scan sometimes ignores the value DMX 8 and starts scanning really fast. The X-Scan should obviously always read what DMX is sending it for its channel 8 but it does NOT.

Please, before responding further, try to understand the exact situation. I said it once and I'll say it again: this is ***NOT*** user error, it is not caused by fade times, it is not caused by switching scenes or steps too quickly. This is most definitely a problem with the X-Scans as it does not occur with the X-Moves which have identical DMX traits.
Last edited by Former Member
Any word on this?

I want to add that, additionally, I'm noticing my X-Moves randomly reset themselves occasionally when I change scenes. Only happens maybe once or twice in an average five hour period. My first guess would have been the software, but it has never happened with the X-Scans or any of my other lights. I am using proper DMX cabling with a terminator at the end of my chain.

And just to be clear... none of the scenes I change to, change the value on the switch pack (it's always 255 between all of the scenes I am switching between).

There definitely seem to be some DMX bugs on these fixtures and I'm close to returning them. I've read several things elsewhere, on both of these exact problems, and it definitely seems to be fixture-related.
I spoke with support and was told that it's an issue with the software in the X-Scan LED unit. New chips are in final testing. I've got to FAX my receipt and then they will send me chips once they pass testing.

No love on my bracket issue though. One of them was not threaded properly and I had to reverse them brackets to use the holes I needed. This is a repeat issue, as my Mega Pixel LED and truss system had similar issues with threading/holes. They apparently don't stock X-Scan LED brackets though.

Please slap the manufacturer and get the quality up.

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