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I'm currently thinking about getting one or two scanners for my lightshow, as I'm a hobby DJ!
Now I found some reasonable scanners from ADJ, the
Comscan LED
and the
X-Scan LED Plus
They are both the same price but the X-Scan has more options (colorwheel + gobowheel, while the Comscan has colors directly on the gobos)

Can someone tell me his or her experience with the two devices, or at least one of them? And where are the downsides of the X-Scan? It seems better (except I like the Comscan gobos more xP) but it can do more, is that possible?
I can't decide which one is better for me! :'(

Comscan: Comscan LED DMX
X-Scan: X-Scan LED Plus DMX

Thanks in advance!
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I haven't used either, but just comparing the specs the X-Scan has a separate color and gobo wheel whereas the Comscan does not, and that would be a big deal to me. Other than that, there are minor differences in operating modes and options between the two units which would only be of concern if you're not planning to use a DMX controller. Can you view or demo the lights in person to see which you prefer better? At the end of the day, that's the most important thing, especially for a hobbiest!

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