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While I'm not using anything as sophisticated as the X-scans, I do have some similar type fixtures: Electra, Reflex, Rover II, Barrel Flex.

There is probably a screw located behind the mirror. You'll probably need to loosen it up a tiny bit, then adjust the mirror to what appears to be a "best match" and then re-tighten. Warning: ADJ may have used some sort of thread locking glue, so it may be a bit difficult to get that screw started. In fact, I'd be surprised if ADJ did NOT use that thread locking glue. Just another word of caution: if ADJ did use that glue, you'll never get the screw in that securely again UNLESS you apply some fresh glue to it. Don't just use any old glue either, there are specific products for that. I'd even go as far as to complete remove the screw and purchase matching glue. it comes in various colors for various strengths. I bet ADJ is using the blue one.

I'm notsure if this voids the warranty.
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You're welcome.

You might have to email customer service directly as I think a phone call would be a bit on the expensice side if you're correct in reporting you're from Southern France.

Since my scanner-type fixtures are not intels, I haven't really worried about adjusting them. I've also been fortunate enough to not have to change the bulbs yet either. If I had intel scanners, I'd be more in agreement with you as far as keeping things as close as possible to identical so the lights are interchangable.

With my moving heads, I just grap either one and place it. I set the address as necessary. It's either "this address or that address" so they end up coming up the right way.

I'd go find a contact address on the ADJ site using their "contact us" and see what that brings up. At least their customer service is really good. Too bad what you want to do isn't something discussed in the manuals.
OK, I'm going to have a moan.

I'm used to manufacture's forums where the company actually take an active interest in what their customers have to say. I own an Ernie Ball guitar and if I want to know anything or if I have a problem there's a good chance that Sterling Ball or one of his customer service people will be able to help. This is obviously not the case with American DJ.

I asked a perfectly reasonable question just over 2 weeks ago and apart from Chris (who I don't think works for ADJ) no one from the company has seen fit to respond. I then e-mailed my question to ...................................yawn..........Still waiting for a reply.

Maybe I have misunderstood and this is not a ADJ hosted site, maybe it's just for customers to sort their own problems out between themselves, if this is the case then I appologise. But, if this is the main ADJ Customer forum I think it is disgraceful that not one person from the company can be bothered to even try to assist. Most, if not all ADJ products are available from other manufacturers and I for one will be taking my future business elsewhere.

Moan over.
Thanks for taking the time to reply but I live in France, bought the X-Scans in the UK so can't return them easily. I am confident to undertake the adjustment (I am from an engineering background) but I always prefer to consult the manufacturers recommendations first. This is my gripe, no-one from the so called "customer service" department of ADJ is monitoring the forum. What sort of service is that?

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