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Is anyone in the group using the wireless option on the CoPilot and if so, what do you think of it?

My take is, if you have to run an extension cable to the power pak, then you might as well run the serial cable too. My power pack is mounted to the center of my truss and I run both the power and controller cable along it, down the extender and to my power/control source.

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i dont know much about how it works as in sending the signal but i am ****** off cause i just ran cables for 2 power pacs for my

i mean of course your going to need a power cable but the bi!ch part of these are the controller cables, and in some places it would be impossible to dasiy chain a few power packes with out spending loads of money and time for the cable.

this is proof to all of us that american dj is keeping thier romise as in "wireless control"
and it will open up a whole new world of applications not only for the co-pilot but lighting in general.

great idea adj, i dont give you guys props much but i must on this one!

I will want to see this in the

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