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Is there any support for it on the Forums? I have some issues with it on some Chauvet Slimpar 56's. No mater what I've tried, it doesn't receive the correct DMX channels. I'm able to control them with MYDMX 2.0, but as soon as I throw in the WiFlex into the mix, I only have control of the red & Green Channels only. Any help, or guidance as to where to get it? Thanks!
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what you are describing is a voltage feedback from the slimpars.... i would try using a dmx teminator at the end of the change and see if that corrects the issue....the terminator will let the extra data signal bleed off into the negative terminal eliminating most if not all of the feedback from happening let me know if this corrects the issue.
New Update. I just did a show this past weekend with Intimidator 150s and then the Slimpar in the chain. After about 10 to 15 minutes I would lose control of the Slimpar then shortly thereafter the 150 as well. The chain was WiFlex to the 150 then off to the Slimpar with a terminator. Any thoughts?

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