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Hi Guys,

I bought a Mighty Scan off of ebay a while back and now that I got my Elation CompuWare controller I am noticing that the movements especially in Live mode are very "jerky"... i.e. they are not smooth, when you are bringing the light from one point to another the go like in small "jumps" (which I presume are the steps of the motor?)...

Is this supposed to be like this? I am using the Ch3, speed, at 100% always, is this the setting it is supposed to be at? I notice that at smaller speeds this effect is greatly reduced, so what would be optimal speed to not get this jerkyness, and still get the scanner to complete my chases? (very slow it wont have time to get to the scenes before a scene change, and very quick makes it very jerky.... )

All help greatly appreciated!
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Even though the mighty scan has smooth stepper modes, I have noticed with several lights that when the speed level is at 100% the movement tends to get more "sharp" then smooth. Try slowing it down a little. Also was it brand new off of ebay? Somtimes merchandise can be faulty. I am not extrtemely sure what else to tell you...sorry

I also have some Mighty Scans and the Compu Ware and when I do slow scans I ALWAYS turn the speed down (ch.3). If I dont turn down the speed and use a long fade time, it looks jumpy. Also, instead of using fade time, I use different levels of ch.3. It really improves the look of the program. Smiler

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