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DJX this is a slightly sticky situation. first
if your system is setup properly you should not have to turn any volume controls to the "MAX" and you shouldnt be worried about which unit is "LOUDER"

second you are talkin about s/n ratio which is a measurement of a ratio of an applied signal in regards to the noise present for a specific reference level which is slected by the testing engineer. now here is where things get sticky. you can have a unit with an 80dB s/n ratio and a unit with a 105dB s/n ratio. these numbers all vary depending on how the s/n ratio was measured. both units could have been tested running at different levels of operation. one may have been tested running at full power and at a sepcific gain while the other may not have. the main poiint being that just because you see a higher s/n/ ratio don't assume that the unit is better.

the problem as to some units seeming louder could just mean that the gain structures for different units are different and when you go back and forth you are not adjusting a particular unit to get matched gain structure.

hope this helps

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