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I am in the midle of knowwhere in West Texas and the only DJ around here uses a shiny ball center piece with two lights (spot) shining on it. I have decided to get into the business since I have such a love of music. I have the following equipment (All new and so far not used):

2-Yamaha SW15 subs (with poles)
2-Yamaha S115 Club series
2-Yamaha SM15 Monitors (on stands)
1-Yamaha EMX 512 SC Mixer
1-dbx crossover
1-Furman power conditioner
1-Denon 615 CD MP3 deck
1-Sony Mini Disc rack mounted
1-Western Digital 120 gig portable storage device
1-Numark D2 Director (shipping soon I hope)
1-Yamaha P7000 Amplifier
1-Yamaha P5000 Amplifier

I now have to choose the lights I am going to use. I have thought about the Oceana and the Aggressor and some of the gobos but I read and look and then get confused as to a mobile use of all these products. I would like for someone, if they have time, to help me out and explain to me what they think I should use to really impress these people out here. I am going to do my first job on May 19th as a new freshman class dance for the school. Since my grand daughter is one of them I am going to do this for free and should get some good publicity if all goes well. Someone please help me out and make some recommendations. I realize this is all a little long but figured I would give all the info up front. Thanks for your time.
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I am thinking of starting out somewhere between $250.00 and $750.00. I know I will add more later but this is just to get me started and to get me to learn basics. I have never used lighting before so remember I am a newb in that department. LOL Isn't it odd that at 59 I am starting into this adventure just for fun . And yes I like alot of the hip hop R&B music out there!!!!!!!!
For your budget, I would go with:

Smaller Set-up
-4 par cans $20 each
-1 chase pack $60
-1 vertigo or similar $50
-1 ball type effect $100
-1 Stand $50

Small, cheap, and simple. Just basically plug and play type lights. Easy, but not extremely exciting or customizable.

Bigger set-up
-2 Color changers $100 each ($150 for led)
-1 barrel lgiht or center piece $200
-Dmx cables $40
-1 Simple stand $60
-1 Strobe $40
-DMX controller $200

This puts you just at the top of your budget, but gives you a nice lighting show that is very expandable.

It has color fill, a nice centerpiece and a strobe for those high speed songs, kids will love it. To top it off, its all controlled from your sound rack with a push of a button.


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