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Hi there,
Newbie here...stand by for basic level questioning...
I have 8 pin spots and 4 mighty scans. I'd like to be able to create (scenes?) or basically a light show that is sound active and steps to my bands music. I play bass and most likely will have to control the lights with my foot? I'm confused if I should get an adj operator 192, DMX operator pro, or dmx programmer. I'm sure that I'm leaving stuff off here.
Any thoughts that you have would help! Thanks
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Oh, yes. A few other details, too. I'm most likely going to expand my rig to include 4-8 par 56s and perhaps a dmx fogger or hazer, and a few other dmx controled effects. I plan on also having a strobe or two in the future, but I'm not sure if that sort of thing is controlled by a strobe controller or dmx operator. I currently have three 10 ft trusses with crossbars that I can use. I'm also interested in hearing if I should use dmx cabling to link my lights together, or is it suitable/passable to use microphone XLR to get the job done. Again, novice, but very interested (bassist) looking for your sage guidance. Thanks so much!
welcome to the forums man! i recommend the dmx operator 192 seeing as it is a good controller with the most room i think. u can hold up too 240 steps (scenes) and you have 12 chases(shows) that hold up too 240 scenes as well. but here is where most people get confused: they think that u have 240 scenes and then 240 chases meaning you have 480 scenes!! that is wrong you can record 240 scenes and then place any of those 240 scenes into any of the 12 chases as many times as you want as long as you don't excede 240 scenes in a single chase. understand that?
your 8 pin spots will have to plugged into a dimmer/switch pack to control them as needed you might need one or two of these but def. 2 or 3 if u add pars. for strobes you can get a strobe controller but the dmx ones are made very nicely these days and don't really cost an arm and a leg anymore. so i would go with a dmx strobe. maybe the adj mega flash dmx. while it is always recommended to use actual dmx cables xlr cables work just fine as long as they are a: away or not next to a lot of power cords or b: you plug ur lights into a seperate breaker or circuit than what u have ur sound equip. plugged into. also elation/ADJ makes affordable actual dmx data cables now that aren't bad. check em out on either on the elation or adj sites. they are called accu cable. and one more inportant thing is wether you use dmx or xlr cables always use a dmx line terminator on the last fixture in you chain!! always!!! it makes sure there in no data loss and will help make sure your lights don't glitch. as far as programming goes if you need help let me know. either post here or click on the link below my post and join up there if you want too. i have my own lighitng section there. peace! if u need anything else don't hesitate to ask! sincerely jingles!! once again welcome! peace! Wink

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