Have to go with mightyscans, when i first saw the mightyscan i new it was the best because of the size of it, and all the gobos/colors/shutter packed into it, even when I upgrade my system and buy all newer and better lights, ill sell all my old equipment but i will keep the mightyscans since they are getting hard to find they are turning into a collectors item, and they are always fun to play with
Recently I saw the accuspots in action and right when i saw the size of them and how powerfull they are i said i have to buy some of these, im just going to wait for the price to go down (I bought my mightyscans when they first hit the market, i paid about 630$, 700$ for one unit, and about a year later they were selling about 350$,400$ a unit
, hopefully the same will happen with the accu series within this year
just some thouhgts