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Well...this is a quest I have been on for a couple of years. Most of the venues where I work live sound can be handled fairly adequately by eight 100 Watt Par 38. I acquired eight of the out of production ADJ P64 LED (first generation LED par???) and they are "adequate"...barely. They do not deliver more color or visibility than the Halogen Par 38. But it is "very close". I realize the P64 LED are "older technology" there are better options available now.

I am interested in the TRI7 LED and the TRI18. To be candid, my budget is very tight. I would like to try "getting by" with one pair of fixtures...and my budget can handle the cost of a pair of the TRI7 LED far easier than one pair of the TRI18 LED. Then later, I could pick up a second pair of the TRI7 LED.

Does anyone have "real world" experience with the TRI7 and TRI18 so that they could make an informed suggestion? Does anyone just want to share their opinion...for what it's worth?

I am not looking for anything "fancy". I just expect a static stage wash that I can modify between songs to give the stage a slightly different look.

For control, I would like to keep it stone simple...I have enough trouble walking and chewing gum...never mind playing bass and running lights. So, I was considering saving the Stage Setter 24 for the sealed beams and halogen...and using something similar to the LED-4C or the RGB-3C or the LED suggestions there would be appreciated as well.

Keep in mind that I am not trying to get everything done all at once...I maay buy the controller in the next few days and see if it mates well with the old P64 LED...I could get by with a couple of those until the next pay day permits buying some newer devices.

Thanks in advance.
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For our classic rock group, we use 4 Chauvet color palettes for side lighting and 5 LED par 64's for either uplighting or backlighting, depends on whether we can haze or not. You can get some off brand (7-5watt) 3 in 1's for $98 free shipping on ebay. The Colorpalettes put out a lot of light for just 4.
Just my thoughts
Thanks, but I am NOT interested in Chauvet products. When I started buying gear back in 2001 I had a couple of friends using Chauvet and based on their experience and my opinion on the quality of the items they owned, I would prefer to buy American DJ products...

As for an LED panel...well, I came close to buying some of the ADJ panels, but did not pull the trigger. I have become more impressed with the flat fixtures such as I mentioned above and others that are similar in design. I believe they are very versatile...up lighting, down lighting, accent and wash...pretty much a "do anything" product.

As for "no name" lighting products on eBay...well, after reading lots of reviews, I have come to the conclusion that I would rather have a root canal than buy a product without a US warranty repair site. If you read closely, you will note that many of the eBay "generic" LED light fixtures are offered for sale by a "US Seller" but are "shipped direct from the manufacturer"...and warranty information indicates the buyer must return to manufacturer. Yeah, right...

I have a friend who purchased some of the "no name" fixtures from a local "brick and mortar" dealer who was also a large online seller including "daBay". First gig, one fried and he is OUT of parts, no warranty service unless he returns it to China, and sorry, but it is discontinued and out of stock. Eventually, because he is a "home town client" the dealer resolved his problem...and he is "satisfied" with the transaction.

You get what you pay for. In all things. Are there better products on the market than ADJ? Possibly...perhaps even "probably" but I am satisfied with the quality of the product for the budget I have to spend.

Whazzat? You say that much of the ADJ product is manufactured in "Pacific Rim" countries other than the US? Yep...I knew that. But there is a very STRONG quality control effort by the ADJ family (corporate owned and/or contractor owned manufacturing facilities, as the case may be)...I would also note that there is a strong customer support effort both repair/replacement AND this very forum where you are suggesting I buy some other product.

Please note that I am not "sucking up" to ADJ. If you like products offered by another manufacturer...go buy it. If you want to buy a lower cost product, go buy it.

I appreciate your input. Thanks again.
Schlepie, you come to the ADJ forums recommending chauvet gear? You must not have read the FORUM RULES.

Tony, I have two Tri 7's and 2 Tri 18's. Both put out a nice bright wash in just about any color. The Tri 18 to me seems brighter as it has more LED's. I honestly would recommend the 18's.

For control the RGB3C would suffice as you can dial up colors with the faders or choose preset ones. but any of your controller suggestions would work for you. But for sheer ease of use RGB3C.
If you have more specific questions regarding the Tri 7 or 18's Let me know and I'll do my best to answer.
Jingles, thanks for the reply. I realized the TRI18 has about 2.5 times the number of LEDs, but...the real question is one of coverage on staqe on a budget.

One of the dealers I patronize in OKC has received a shipment of the TRI7...I suppose I need to invest a drive (70 miles one way) and have him audition the lights for me...maybe I could determine if I could get by with one pair until I could buy a second pair of the TRI7.

Yes, that would be slightly more money overall, but I really need the coverage and I am not sure that two TRI18 fixtures would be enough

As for the RGB3C...I will probably place that order from my online source this evening...already late to work...gotta run earn the cash to pay for the flash.

Thanks again.
They both have the same 40 degree beam angle. There is a very handy beam angle coverage chart in the cut sheet of the fixtures.
for example if you have a Tri 7 placed about 9 feet away from an object the diameter of the beam shining on that object will be approx. 12 feet in diameter. 16 feet away from it's source is about 21 feet in diameter.
Jingles, thanks again...sorry for delay, but "life and work" also have demands on my time. (sigh)

I was thinking "coverage" that a total of four TRI7 might let me aim them slightly different to cover the entire front of the stage better (overlap of multiple fixtures)...but I also notice the loss of Lux as you get further away (I knew that, but forgot it...) I "think" that loss of lux might negate the advantage of the overlap coverage.

I also had a chance to check some YouTube reviews of owners and from retail sources....

Next, looking at the charts on both the TRI7 and TRI18, I start to understand the spread at 40 degrees...and realize that the typical distance from the light would be approximately 10 ft from fixture to center of stage (band leader position). Since I would have fixtures on both sides of the band, I would still have the "overlap" or "coverage" and should not have much problem if I went with a pair of the TRI18...thus eliminating the need to buy a pair of TRI7 now and add a pair of TRI7 when I had more cash.

Additionally, one of the online retailers I patronize has a "discount" or sale for purchases over a specific dollar amount that makes it more budget friendly to buy two of the TRI18 "now" rather than two TRI7 now and a pair "at a date to be announced"...

So, I just placed my order for a pair of TRI18 and one RGB-3C controller along with some ADJ O-clamps. This small, easy set up should handle nearly all of our "normal" club gigs. These should be here in time for our "Fat Tuesday - Mardis Gras" gig at a new client...always nice to take new toys to new venues.

And this purchase will allow me to sell off the old technology P64LEDs to help pay for this purchase...which frees up capital to maybe order more TRI18 in the future...

Thanks for the help!
I think it is a stretch to say that I have it figured out...but I am hoping I made the right decision...

My "expectation" is that these two fixtures will be very close to replacing the six that I have now. And when I sell those older lights, I should be able to pay off the new purchase (it would be nice to keep them for accents, but paying off the TRI18 faster would be sweet)...THEN I can get serious about saving for another pair of the TRI18...
The TRI18's are awesome. Can easily do a sub 1000 person venue with them. The Mega Par Profiles are good for a 20-30 foot throw and I like the Profile Panels for a large wash. All that said, the ADJ LED controllers are lacking. I like another companies controller (mentioned in this thread) that has a master dimmer that functions no matter what function you are using. I like sound active but the TRI18's are so bright 100% is not always needed.
WOW!....I only had a few minutes to unbox one TRI18 and run it thru a few functions...(life, family and real job demand too much of my time this week)

I have not had an opportunity to unbox the RGB-3C or the second TRI18...perhaps this week end...I hope.

But suffice to say, I am seriously impressed. These two TRI18 will easily replace the six P64 LED (first generation) with 10mm LEDs.

My first impression is that the color intensity is significantly richer and the overall brightness is far beyond the output of my original LED lighting.

Next project...Read The Manual...then set it up and surprise the band at rehearsal.

OK...late to work already. Gotta run...Thanks to all who offered their input on this thread! I will bring back another full review when I have a chance to put these thru the wringer.

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