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Late follow-up.

DO NOT use lights rated for "indoor only" use outdoors unless the weather is clear.

Doesn't matter what you have, unless it is intended for outdoor use, it will not survive the weather very well. Despite being covered, moisture will still get in and cause all sorts of wonderful damage.

I've done quite a few shows outdoors, and used my 64B LED Pros and they worked great. The last one had a "rain delay" but the lights were in their Arriba case and stayed dry. Lights when up during the opening set. I would NOT trust any of my lights to do well in "weather" and "Extended outdoor usage applications". While they may survive, it's not a good idea UNLESS you build a shack with clear windows (of say, plexy, glass or acrylic) to let the lights shine through. Just design it to be a real structure(roof, walls, floor, access door(s), power(with breaker, could be a power strip) and you'll be fine if it's "water tight"

Keep them dry and inside when not in use. Look for some Elation lights designed for outdoor use. It will cost you more, but it is the absolute right way to address your situation.

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