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Here's a nice video that mentions all the flaws in the original VMS4 and how they've been fixed in the new 4.1

Just a shame that ADJ refuse to help the customers who bought the original...

Some stats I've just noticed:
In the "American Audio Products" forum area, which covers amps, speakers, mixers, cases and CD players.....14 pages and 3867 posts.

In the "Media Controllers" section (which is just for the VMS4) 10 pages and 3953 posts!

Almost 4000 posts just for one product, compared to the other section that covers all other audio products. Speaks for itself I think.
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With all due respect, just go buy a new version. There are thousands of songs I buy each year that I never ever play. This is so much more costly than $499.

So, you know what I did... I went out and got the new VMS4.1 and guess what... I LOVE IT!

One third of one job will pay for a new controller for me.

The fact is, American Audio put out a new product and you have a CHOICE if you want to buy it or live with the old version. I got the new one.

It's time for everyone to move on from this. Either buy a new controller or live with what you got!

If you charge enough, you can buy a new controller in about 2 hours of work!
You're missing the point:

Yes, of course we could all just chuck our VMS4s in the trash, then go out and spend even more cash than the MK I cost, to get the fixed version - that's what ADJ would love, to make more money from the suckers who paid for the original and got a faulty badly designed product.

The point is - we shouldn't have to.

They know they screwed up, they should have the bottle to admit it and HELP their customers rather than snubbing them.
There is NOTHING you can do about the way American DJ runs their company. They sent out fixes for the mic problem and upgraded the firmware. Beyond that, it's up to you.

Listen, you can bark about it all you want but the bottom line is for $499, you will have a unit that works perfectly. We all wish that things were different but they aren't.

Deal with it and move on is the best thing to do.

I was VERY upset at the whole situation but guess what, I have TONS of American DJ gear and I wasn't about to give up on a company that has served me so well over the past 20 years.

I gave them one more chance and guess what... they came through BIG TIME!

Originally posted by GroovinDJ:
Yes, of course we could all just chuck our VMS4s in the trash,

you got money to throw away? great, send me some! *shaking my head*

the suckers who paid for the original and got a faulty badly designed product.

the. vms4. is. not. a. faulty. product.

stop saying so. see also my comment in the other thread.
Originally posted by DJ Freshfluke:
you got money to throw away?

No I haven't. That's what I'm saying. Maybe there's a failure in translation. It seems as if ADJ EXPECT us to just throw away our purchase and start again by paying for the fixed VMS4.1 version.


the. vms4. is. not. a. faulty. product.

So why release a 4.1 version? It's the same product externally, but with new (better designed) internal hardware. In other words, it's what the VMS4 should have been in the first place.

If the original VMS had no problems, there would be no need for a 4.1

Anyway, I give up.

ADJ have lost me (and probably thousands of others) as a future customer because of this farce.
Originally posted by GroovinDJ:
It seems as if ADJ EXPECT us to just throw away our purchase and start again by paying for the fixed VMS4.1 version.

not at all. you have already a working device.
you want the next generation? ok, then pay. you can trade in the old device for around 300 bucks (i checked on ebay), this way you reduce the price you pay to get a spanking new device with next generation interieur.

So why release a 4.1 version?

why not? why are there new telephones sold? didnt the old ones not work? why are there new cars sold? didnt the old not drive? why do fashion shops release new seasons clothes? did the old ones not warm you?

ADJ made a good midi controller - and the first real hybrid device. now they make a better one. i dont see anything wrong in that.
My VMS4 was advertised as TS3 compatible but it is not because the jogwheels are not working, so I got cheated!

I didn't get answer from the support how the rotary knob problem could be solved and others in this forum have the same unsolved problem with their VMS4.
Since there is no correction by firmware update it must be a hardware fault.
As a customer in Europe you have to give the manufacturer chance to fix the problem, if it can't fix you will get your money back. That is European law and the easiest 'refund solution' for everyone who is tired of a not 100% working device.
Originally posted by Soundbwoy:
My VMS4 was advertised as TS3 compatible but it is not because the jogwheels are not working, so I got cheated!

the VMS4 has never been advertised as TDJS3 compatible - stop posting wrong info!

not even as traktor compatible at all! until the traktor edition of the vms4 came out. and the compatibility there was given only to traktor PRO LE, but of course it works also good with the full version of traktor (scratch) pro.
@ Freshfluke


And I repeat it again: I got cheated!

If you know how to use google you will find this:

'Serienmäsig mit Virtual DJ ausgeliefert ist der Betrieb mit NIs Traktor 3 und Traktor Pro ebenso möglich und von uns auch empfohlen. Eine Liefervariante mit Traktor Pro ist bei uns zu eibnem unschlagbaren Preis verfügbar.'

Read it at

Originally posted by Soundbwoy:
@ Freshfluke


your info IS wrong - i dont know what djservice was thinking by writing such things, but it's definitely never been the case that the VMS4 has been advertised with T3.

And I repeat it again: I got cheated!

by djservice - not by ADJ. so please direct your anger at them!
My info is not wrong, VMS4 was advertised as TS3 compatible as the link will show you from you can read.
If you don't want to agree with this fact you can direct your anger to djservice and all the other dealers with the same info on their site.
Anyway, up to now AA didn't answer about the hardware construction fault of the VMS4.
All rotary knobs are working logarithmic and not linear, if AA would admit this construction fault they could be more trustet. Freshfluke described the same problem mentioning how it doesn't trouble him, but to me as a professional dj it is essential to have proper working knobs. The mic stage is also a construction fault, AA lucky this could eliminate with adapter but there will be no adapter to correct the wrong curve charactaristics of the rotary knobs.
Or is there a firmware update to correct?
AA is not able to fix it and you don't tell me and others anything else, VMS4 is full of construction faults and I feel sorry for semi professional djs giving statement how perfect their VMS4 works!
some of these posts in these forums make me laugh adj knew they screwed up so they released the 4.1 FACT thats my opinion just like when microsoft screwed up the xbox360 with the rrod-(red ring of death) which i helped fix lol. It aint no upgrade just an improvement on the original ive had 2 vms4`s not for long mind you and they both have been sent back to adj because of various faults so there must of been a faulty batch of them or the guys fell asleep making them lol (only joking!!!) Im not saying every unit is the same because thats probably not the case and i wouldnt give up on adj because of little construction flaws in certain units theres always room for improvement in every dj device but i do feel that it should of not been so pricey for whats happened to the units on a large scale or they should of reduced the price a little. I have lots of different controllers i use and i have a old behringer bcd3000 which was like 150gbp brand new quite a few years old and its still going strong today lol so that shows you the diference. Maybe adj should give newer units to folks with faulty ones or replace the internals with newer components to elminate the problems either way i still like the vms4 and will continue to use one and see how better it gets Smiler
Me being an ADJ and an AA fan will admit that YES! the VMS4 was a faulty product and they scrambled at the end to try to fix it. I guess that they were bombarded with too many people and therefore could not answer everyone, hence the VMS4.1. But all the buyers are to blame for their purchase because they went out and bought it before all the bugs wee worked out first. its like when the xbox 360 came out and everyone went out and bought it. guess what? do you know how many had to be returned for their problems? yeah, when I first heard about the VMS4 I too was exited and till this day I still consider buying one. but the fact is, I know too well about buying something as soon as it comes out onto the market.

I went out and bought a $400 AA mixer and guess what? yes you guessed right it needs to get fixed. I didnt follow my rule and now it will cost me about $250 to fix it. doesnt make any sense to me and I do understand the fraustration of everyone who shelled out $500 for something that isnt working. sad to say that ADJ quickly made new custemers but lost them alot faster over this one.

I hope some of the big wigs check these forums out and see that their customers are not too happy with them. If they want to charge top do;;ar for their product then they better make sure that their quality is up to par or atleast that they are willing to somehow compensate for their faulty products. It seems to me that sales became more important than their customers on this one and that is definately not good for business. If I have to pay 500 now foa a product that doesnt work the way it is supposed to and sell it for half to buy the revised product for 500 (grand total being close to 800) then I might as well buy the Denon counterpart for that price and not consider ADJ. Yeah I know that a brand does not necesarily mean a better product afterall I will take my HT4.5s over techs any day. a Honda is just as good as a Mercedes but given the choice most people will go German.
Originally posted by Soundbwoy:
My info is not wrong, VMS4 was advertised as TS3 compatible as the link will show you from you can read.

is this an official ADJ link? NO.
is this an official NI link? NO.

djservice simply advertise wrong info!

p.s.: if you want to know more about what a traktor ready device is, please read the official info from the NI website: What is TRAKTOR Ready?

Freshfluke described the same problem mentioning how it doesn't trouble him...

Last edited by Former Member
p.s.: if you want to know more about what a traktor ready device is, please read the official info from the NI website: What is TRAKTOR Ready?

The link doesn't include VMS4 so it can't be Traktor ready, thank you for that information.

Anyway, the VMS4 doesn't work properly with Traktor 2 neither, nor VDJ.
The big problem of the VMS4 is the construction fault in the hardware and ADJ is refusing to confess although it can be proven.
Originally posted by Soundbwoy:
Anyway, the VMS4 doesn't work properly with Traktor 2 neither, nor VDJ.

i dont use VDJ, but i can dj flawless with traktor scratch pro 2.

The big problem of the VMS4 is the construction fault in the hardware and ADJ is refusing to confess although it can be proven.

IF (IF!) the EQs are logarithmic (i'm investigating on this but didnt get an answer so far), then it's definitely by design and not "accidentally" and then it's not a construction fault.
IF (IF!) the EQs are logarithmic (i'm investigating on this but didnt get an answer so far), then it's definitely by design and not "accidentally" and then it's not a construction fault.

That means ADJ is calling construction faults 'design'?
What a foolishness!

If the EQ fader knobs are logarithmic by design then the designer doesn't have enough knowledge about audio electronics and did never know that he constructed a faulty circuit.

Why do you have to investigate, you can try it for yourself on your own VMS4 with any midi software.

Why is ADJ denying this
fault? Because it is a legal reason to refund!

If there is anybody with a working linear EQ curve please let me know.
Hi guys, i havent been on this forum in a while, but just wanted to let you all know the VMS4.1 is really amazing!
the mics sound great, the output is 10X's louder. very very happy with it.
they did a great job by ripping out the insides and starting fresh with a new audio engine called DSP D-Core technology that gives us studio/club quality sound & pro stage mic circuitry...bravo to the guys at AA for listening to their customers and giving us what we wanted! a great controller, at a great price!
Dj Johnny Aftershock
I switched to external mixer and external eq, my hardware eq is off.
That doesn't matter anyway, I am not talking about the audio output but midi. If I turn the knob linear it behaves logarithmic, means you spin your knob to e.g. 20% the software will show something about 80%.
My question was if this fault of the VMS4 can be solved without changing hardware.

Anyway, my dealer did refund my VMS4 and I will watch if this fault has been corrected in the VMS4.1
Last edited by Former Member
the EQs of the VMS4 are ALL LINEAR.

Seems like people don't really understand what I mean. The EQs of the VMS4 are ok so far, my oscilloscope doesn't show me anything wrong, e.g. if I add 20% more bass on my software there will be 20% more bass in the signal, so the EQ curve is linear.
I am using VMS4 only as midi controller in post eq and internal mixing mode.
If I spin the EQ on my VMS4 at 20% the software is showing me something like 80% which is a logarithmic characteristic.
Up to I couldn't figure out how to fix this problem, AA doesn't know neither because they didn't answer my email, what a poor service!
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by DJ Freshfluke:
Originally posted by Soundbwoy:
My info is not wrong, VMS4 was advertised as TS3 compatible as the link will show you from you can read.

is this an official ADJ link? NO.
is this an official NI link? NO.

djservice simply advertise wrong info!

p.s.: if you want to know more about what a traktor ready device is, please read the official info from the NI website: What is TRAKTOR Ready?

Freshfluke described the same problem mentioning how it doesn't trouble him...


I agree, this was not written by ADJ or on their site.

And if only every "him" was as Wink

PS. I didn't edit your post, just hit the wrong button Freshfluke.

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