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I have two lights up and one will move with the joystick of the DMX Operator Pro and the other will not.

Both fixtures move with the sliders.

Dose anyone know of a fixture menu setting that would stop the joy stick from affecting it?

Did I forget to set something in the DMX Operator Pro, maybe?

I will continue to look over the menu but if anyone can point me in the right direction, please do so.

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I may have found the answer in the DMX Operator Pro manual.

I thought I assigned the joystick to the Tilt and Pan of both lights, one at a time, yesterday. Either I only did one correctly or you can only assign the joystick to one fixture or a group of fixtures.

I was thinking that you could assign the joystick to fixture 1, then to fixture 2 but this may be a faulty assumption.

It appears that when you assign Joystick to Pan and Tilt, that it applies to all the fixtures you select while holding the group down.

You may use the joystick for each fixture or any of the group you have selected.

By reversing pan and tilt on one light, I can now move both with the joystick and have a double spot throughout center stage and single spots on both sides of the stage. You do need to make slight adjustments to keep the lights together while moving up to down stage, but it can be doable.

On to setting scenes... when I have time...
That sounds similar to some of the software controls in MyDMX. I think when holding SHIFT while moving one of the on-screen faders, it will move ALL like channels for all identical fixtures(using the same profile). This is way handy for many things, such as setting stage wash colors, dimmer values, or in your case, X/Y coordinates on moving head fixtures.

I can certainly see why it gives you a single/group option. I do a show. There's generally a small number of scenes I have to adjust for each show, and they are mover scenes(where the movers need adjustment). One scene the movers aim at the rear doors to give the entering actors a bit more light so they can see easier. The other one is a scene where the two movers converge on a single spot. They turn ON, hold for a few seconds, then move to mobile panels that are static for most of the scene. Since the exact stage position for the center and the panels moves a little between shows, it's necessary to move the movers independently.

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