I have both MyDMX 1 and 2. I used version 1 for several months building a show from a few cues, now to over 80. The band I work for use a travelling show and every set up is slightly different form the last, focus points, number of fixtures etc. The problem I have is this. I can open the show I've written over months and play all the scenes, but I can't visualize any of the scenes in the Editor mode. This is in my opinion a huge error, anyone outside a fixed theater is probably doing what I am doing. Rewriting every scene one by one matching the values by reading them from version 1 software. Another problem with this is that I can't type the values in the way I could in the version one software. Every time I open the window that has the color mixing screen and choose a color. It doesn't save it to the scene after closing the editor. All of this has me still using the Version One software a month after getting version 2, and generally talking down version 2. This is also a financial killer because I've now expended $600 for your hardware, and haven't been able to use the version one to create a show for another band seeking my services. This is very frustrating, please fix this in the next update.
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