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I've been operating my lights onstage with the remote controller for about a year now and thought I'd try out the RGB 3C with them because the manual claims it will give me the freedom to create my own programs and colours. I tested the new set up last night and on first impressions I don't see what advantages the RGB 3C gives over the remote controller.

I set the address on each light to A001 and the channel is set to 3, meaning each light behaves exactly the same. For some reason, I thought I'd be able to set one or two of the lights as static, allowing for a spot light affect, with perhaps the other two lights (I have four lights in my set up) operating a chase program.

Can I do this? If so, how would I go about it?
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I am sure Jingles will correct me if I am mistaken...

But you need a DMX mixer with at least 9 channels...3 fixtures with three channels each. I believe you would address one fixture to channel 01, the second fixture to channel 04 and the third fixture to channel 07. Now, I am not certain about the specific fixtures you are using, but I believe that 3 channel operation only controls Red on the first channel, Blue on the second channel and Green on the third channel. So fixture 1 would be Red-channel 1, Blue-channel 2 and green-channel 3. Then the cycle repeats, channel 4 would be Red, channel 5 would be Green and channel 6 would be Blue...and logically channel 7-Red; channel 8-Green and channel 9-Blue.

If you want other control (flash, color scroll) then you need to read your fixture manual and determine how many DMX channels it requires to accomplish your goal.

HOWEVER, another option might be to simply acquire a second RGB3C and use it to control the two fixtures that you intend to be the "spot light" and the other two fixtures run off the other RGB3C.

To accomplish this, you would simply set them up as if they were two separate systems.

I used to own six of the Mega Tri Par Profile and four of the Tri18X. I ran the Mega Tri Par Profile as back lighting for the band...on the back of the stage facing the audience. (slight down angle so it did not actually blind the audience) The Tri18X were on the front corners as down stage wash. Two RGB3C with one controlling the six Mega Tri Par Profile and the second controlled the four Tri18X.
You know, you could also use the RGB3C for two lights and the remote for the "other" two lights...

That would allow you to control them individually in pairs. If you wanted all four the same color, it would take a couple of seconds to change via both control devices...but you can also run the center two one color while the others are a second color...then maybe scroll or flash the outside pair while the center two stay focused on the center stage.
OK, I made a slight mistake...

For some reason I fixed on 3 RGB lights, but you have four, so you want to control 4 lights.

If you did not want two controllers, you would need to have 12 channels to provide full RGB for 4 RGB LED fixtures using 3 DMX channels each fixture. If you opted for additional control, you obviously require more DMX channels on the mixer and you would need to adjust accordingly on the fixtures themselves.

The way I do something similar to what you want to accomplish using my four Tri18X, is that I control them with TWO RGB3C controllers, one pair of Tri18X on each controller.

That lets me spread the lights to have very full coverage on a 20ft wide by 16ft deep stage...and I can bring "facial recognition" on the center stage by leaving those lights on a static lighter color (white is actually a good color depending on the event...lighter blues and yellows and amber over dark red, dark blue and dark green). And I can use a contrasting color on the other two lights to help pull the audience's attention to the soloist center stage. Obviously, I can also set both to the same color preset for simplicity when I am not trying to focus attention.

Remember, using the two RGB3C set up means that I have to adjust both if I want matching scenes or if I want a contrasting scene...and I have to configure the lights "in pairs"...not individually. That can be a hassle if I am trying to play an instrument AND run sound and lights from on stage at the same time.
Many thanks, Tony. I'm not due to use them again until the gig at the end of the month (the rest of my work this month is in smaller venues during the daytime where lights won't be necessary/practical) so I'm going to practice at home with two lights being operated by the remote control and the other two being run off the DMX controller. For the time being, that seems to offer the best solutionSmiler
Well, I thought I'd set these up correctly: the two outside lights running off the DMX controller and the two inside lights being operated by the remote. Setting them up at home, they seemed to work fine, the two insides remaining static while the two outsides running on a programme. However, when I used them in a live set up on Friday night I realised my error - the two middle weren't static, they were synched to the music.

What might have been an entertaining light show for the audience ended up nearly giving me a headache!
Sorry if my posts make me look increasingly hopeless but I recently took my lights to a gig to find them completely unresponsive to both the remote control and the RGB 3C. As I rarely get the opportunity to use my full rig at gigs - most of my bookings are for nursing homes and bistros in the middle of the day, venues where lights just wouldn't be appropriate - I don't know whether lack of use has somehow caused the lights to reset. Could someone please confirm the correct address for the lights to respond to the remote and RGB controller?

Sorry to be such a nuisance!

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