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I have the LTS-50T, and I need to know how I should mount my mirror ball motor. Here's my problem...

I have two Mighty Scans (MS's) that I set equal lengths apart from the center of the truss. I want to hang my 12" mirror ball in the center of the truss between the two MS's so they can project onto the mirror ball. What can I use that will allow me to hang the motor horizontally and approximately 8-12 inches out from the truss?

I have looked online for at least an hour for a side-beam or an i-beam that will connect to the truss itself, but I am unable to find one.

Any suggestions. I really don't want to "jerry-rig" this. I prefer to mount it so it looks professional.


p.s. If I hang the mirrorball moter directly to truss, the Mighty Scans are unable to reach the mirror ball.
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I ran into this same situation a few months back. I took the crossbars that come with the LTS-50-T and hung my par 46 pinspot on the end of it and the 12" mirror ball on the truss. It worked great. However....when it came time to tear down, the truss wouldn't lower correctly. I looked and the unbalanced weight bend the tripod stands. That pinspot weighed considerably less than my mirror ball so if you do decide to do it use some kind of counterweight. After purchasing another LTS-50-T I put and extra pinspot on the other end not plugged in or anything just to balance it out. Good luck.
While jfactor offers his suggestion, it appears that he didn't read my original post. I am not using a pinspot. If I were using a pinspot, I would not have needed help.

<edit>This may have been taken out of context, removed line just to keep the thread friendly</Edit>

What I need is an i-beam hand from the center of of my truss and extend outward. Come on, ADJ, sell us an item like this. I suppose I could use another i-beam thats designed for center support, but i'm afraid it won't be quite long enough. Frowner
What you could do is order a 1.5" T adaptor and then have custom-cut and powerder coated some 1.5" diameter aluminum tubing. Maybe add a mount for a safety cable to ensure it stays at 90-degrees and perpendicular to the bar you have it mounted to. Crank down the nuts and screws real tight on the T.

Just an idea. Or, you could buy a length of i-beam and 2 T's and attach it CLOSE to the center of the truss. Will look funny and be WAY the hell too long as-is but you could find a good metal worker to hack it down to size for you.
Actually, Amp's 2nd suggestion sounded pretty good. Just maybe a little tough to visualize.

Take one of those top T-bars on top of the stands (in this picture, looks like they have a single pinspot on them), and using the right combination of clamps, mount it just off-center on the I-beams(in this picture, either on the left or right of the Verti). The T-bar would stick half out front, and half out the back of the I-beams, perpendicular to them. Then, hang the mirror ball off the T-bar that's now sticking out from your truss I-beams. Just like Amp said, but not as detailed.

As for the exact clamps needed, I would have to check the local DJ store and see what they have.

Also, telling people their ideas are no good, or that they didn't read a post, or that you're still waiting for an answer, probably isn't the best way to enhance our little community. Sure, jfactor's idea involved a pinspot, but the principal is still the same: he had to hang an extra piece onto his truss to get the angles right. Similar situation, not exact though. But, you have to be able to make that leap and read between the lines. Interpret the replies for yourself. It may trigger an idea, or make you see something in a way you didn't think of.

Good luck.
If you plan on using that idea, you're definately going to have to find a specialty clamp, and possibly going to a hardware store might be your best bet.

My idea works, but is impractical because it requires doing metalwork or having said skills in order to do it properly and neatly(and safely).

What gets me is why in that picture in the center of the truss there is no support/reinforcement bar vertical between the I-beam sections(and top/bottom)?

I get my 15-foot I-Beam truss today or tomorrow. Don't need it for Saturday's event, but do need it for my pair of events at the beginning of September.
Alright, my fingers are bleeding from all of these edits. Please keep things friendly, and Digital, instead of slagging someone for offering a suggestion, just either politely say "That ideal won't work for me" or as you said......."No response".

I don't want to see any more bockering in this thread, or it will go away, now any of our members please see if you can help DigitalSounds.
Originally posted by DJ Stevie Ray:
[qb] now any of our members please see if you can help DigitalSounds. [/qb]
hehe...yeah look where this got me... Roll Eyes

Originally posted by Billabong:
Actually, Amp's 2nd suggestion sounded pretty good.
Now thats what i like to hear! Billabong..I always liked youSmiler

Oh and stevie...I appologize for my little blow of steam (if that makes any sense). I havnt been to my anger managment classes this week... Roll Eyes
-AMP Wink
Here is a pretty simple solution. I made one years ago but have since tossed it & wished I hadn't.
Take a piece of 2"X 1/4" aluminum or steel flat bar about 2 ft long or so. Have it bent 90 deg into an L shape. have the top made as long as you want it to stick out from the truss. the bottom about 1" longer than your truss is tall. drill two 3/8" holes in the upright part to attach two O type clamps to attatch to your truss. Mount mirror ball motor to other end. Call a buddy or your local welding shop they can do it for you if you dont think you can do it. E-mail me if you need further help Confused

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