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Another one of those days for me on the phone. Started at midnight, no end in sight.

Anyhow, a few weeks ago I had to call support for some warranty issues, a Crank-2 trussing system with a hole not drilled in one arm of the ladder. You guys shipped me out a Crank-1 Ibeam set. Wow.

Anyhow, now after talking with support, they advised me to NOT use the Crank-2 stands to lift a 15-foot truss for reasons pertaining to safetly and weight distribution. In my case, weight won't be an issue, but safety rules and I got some other stands for this application(LTS-50 stands to be exact). What I need to know is what do I now need to do in order to get a 15-foot span? I'm willing to order 3 sections of new Ibeam with full parts in order to do this.

What is the recommendation? I will be phoning in this week if my schedule allows, I just want to know what's about to happen or any hidden issues.
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Nope, didn't help at all.

I'm looking for Ibeam trussing. This is a mobile application and I need a 15-foot span since 10-feet is really making the stage too crowded. I need to stretch things out to give the band the center of the stage back instead of some being off to the side or behind the stand.

Since ADJ and this other brand of crank stand I have set their limits at 140 pounds(which isn't an issue), I have an older non-crankable stand set that can hold 200 pounds and is super light, as are the LTS-50 stands. Heavier duty stuff? I think you're refering to the ADJ's more industrial stuff. I ordered a Crank-2 system, so think along those lines. Yes, the crank stands help, but without a 15-foot ibeam span, it's not going to do much for me except waste my time.

So, now I've got 4 stands that do crank, 4 that do, and no 15 foot truss.
Oh ok I think I understand what ur asking. You can buy a 5 foot section of I beam to extend the system from 10-15ft. Thats what i did and it works great. I dont use crank stand however...i have the LTS50T system. SO its manual lifter and lowering for me. Does that answer your question?

Then I think I am going to need some instructions on how to attach this spare 5-foot span I have to my Crank1 IBeams. I can't figure out how these things go together. I don't know if there is an off-center issue or of I'm not supposed to use certain parts? Regardless, I had one heck of a time trying to get things together and it no works. I might try additional re-assembly but time and me do not get along right now. Once it goes together, it is STAYING together, that's for sure!

I've been on the phone since 3AM and I had an configuration off-site from midnight to 2(different customers). Late night Friday for a big show, got back late, started early Saturday for another long day, and Sunday got eaten up with, well, pointless BS that didn't need to be taken care of. I've had less than 8 hours sleep since Thursday night.
Best part: My stuff is working fine, it's them. Too many routers, too many routes.
Well, support sent me a whole new truss and told me they didn't need the "defective" one back, so I have a full set of parts and pipes and all that stuff.

It gets only so close and then everything just "jams" for lack of a better term. Maybe I'll try it again Wednesday. I'm using those joining pipes as well as that center assembly as well to ensure good support at the joint as well as enhance the rigidity a tad.

I'm finally off the phone. Cell phone battery died twice(on two cell phones) and the land line is gonna have a hefty bill on it.
I've got it programmed into my other cell phone!!

Wednesday is booked out, Thursday just got booked up, Friday I'm at working at Kenny Logins at Cache Creek so that eats a day, Saturday I rest, Sunday is booked. My, how time flies!!

I'm ordering 6 more Par38's and some gel sheets, if that helps any. I gotta find another "centerpiece" style light. I have it narrowed down. ADJ will be all my lighting fixtures, definately.

Ordering 3 5-foot I-beam spans worked killer. It included ALL the parts I required, leaving me with some left-overs, which is good. Spares and all. Used with the Crank-2 stands(forgot). Uh, not good. BUT: We used some screw drivers in the safety holes to prevent slippage and cranked it up! Oh yeah!! Couldn't find the safetly pins that came with the stands for that gig. Found them now. At any rate, it works great, looked great. My partiers couldn't keep their mits off my gear so I had to shut down the party. Hey, I ain't a gear rental company and I'm not about to let some drunken f***er's screw with my gear.

Couldn't wait to use it again the next night, but that place was too small and it would not have been appropriate.

Also, have 20 1.5" O-Clamps. I LOVE those!!!! I need more!! That saved tons of time. The thumb-screws on the T's for the truss? I am loving those too!! Now my trusses are tool-less!! Saving me more time!!! I'm moving thumb screws from places not needed to other T's so I can make all my spans tool-free! Bought some gel packs for my Par38's, had to cut them to size, but I like the Red, Blue, Green and Yellow!! So much better than that other gel pack stuff I had, but the orange and pink are cool. I've got 16 Par38's now, I think I need a few more. With the o-clamps, set up, while still time consuming, is now so much easier and nobody is waiting for tools anymore, so it takes a 2-thirds the time now that it used to. Flipping the panels around on my dimmers and power packs made that take tons less time.

Now I need a few more dimmer packs, some power packs and I'm nearly set. I think I need to order the instructional DVD for the DMX Operator and really learn that bad-boy inside and out. Oh, and get a few more fixtures.

We're working smarter, not harder, and I'm definately sticking with ADJ for my lighting!

Next event with my lights(and PA): September 25th. Pictures of my events are one my web site:
Check it out!

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