You need to put your TriPhase into DMX mode, NOT slave mode. NOT sound active mode. YOu want the display to be ADDR and then up/down to set your channel. That's where your issue is coming from. I bet everything past the TriPhase is acting up.
If I think like my dimmer packs, A767 would refer to the DMX channel, but DMX only has 512 channels, so that can't be right.
I can hook you up with some dealers who can sell you DMX cable. It works a LOT better than microphone cabling. Also, make your own DMX terminator, it doesn't take a lot of work to do it or a lot of cost.
I know the manual says to use microphone cabling. That tech writer needs a firm talking to and made to correct these errors. DO NOT use microphone cabling. I got 2000 feet of microphone cabling(OK, maybe triple that), and it is for MICROPHONE use only in my company. I just finished labelling all my DMX cabling. No more confusion!
my thoughts, outside of USE DMX CABLING is to set the DMX address of this fixture properly. That might start making things work for you. Press ENTER. This may address your issues.