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Hello all, i want to buy a second hand adj my dmx3 interface, and in my dmxstore account (i already have an old interface) i saw there are two options: 1. transfer (to tranfer the rights of the interface to another email (read: another person: the buyer) and 2. unregister (to simply unregister the interface from the email that is currently registered on) . So my question is: what is the better option to ask the seller to do it, the transfer option or better the unregister option from his email or both of them, first the transfer and then the unregister? I was thinking to ask him to just unregister the interface from his email (that, so i don`t have to give him my email to transfer the rights of the interface) . So how`s the correct procedure? Thank you all

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Hello, thank you for the answer, the seller is from another city and the interface is shipped through courier. I`m waiting for the package to arrive, the seller said we will do the registering stuff after i receive the interface. To be honest he kinda seems a ''no computer'' guy meaning he doesn' t know to much about computers and software. So as soon as it arrives i plug it in the laptop see if it gets detected and from that on i try to ask him to transfer or unregister it. If no succes, i will write back to you for assistance. Thank you again, and Happy Hollidays!

Hello again, well, i have bad news. The package arrived and the interface is not good, i wanted to buy it because of an odd cause: my own adj mydmx 3 interface was upgraded and doesn`t work with the old variants of my dmx2.1 and my dmx3 software wich are supported by my old two laptops (i did ramble about it in an older post on this forum) .So now i have a new question (should i make an entirely new post about it?...seems a good ideea...) anyway... The question is: How can i find the manufacturing date of a sealed in the box interface without unseal the box? Can this fact be hidden somewhere in a code on the carton box besides the rounded (silver ot white) sticker on the bottom of the interface itself? I ask that because there are a few sellers on local secondhand marketplaces which sell them new sealed at a price lower than in stores and they could have a new old stock (old variant) that i need. Thank you.

Hi, if you wish to make a new thread for this topic, it';s no problem.
But i think there might be a serial number on the box somewhere and if so we may be able to look up when it was first entered into our system, but no promises. Each interface has a specific hardware serial number, but to get it, you'd need to plug it into a computer and look for it in hardware manager..

Thank you for the answers, in the meantime i found out that the newer variants of the adj mydmx 2.1 and mydmx 3 software were crashing because of some weird fixture profiles (ssl files) so i went on the dmxstore and downloaded some newer ssl files and replaced the problematic ones and for now both of the programs seem to work ok for the moment. So i will keep my interface and i won`t buy another from the marketplaces for the moment. If in the future i will still need another new old stock sealed interface i will ask the seller to open the box for me (of course i will offer him a fee for that) and if it`s good i`ll buy it, if it`s not, he keeps the fee, but as i said for now mine got back to life again and working fine for the moment. I`ll post another question about some haze fluid.

Hello @Jingles8302 ,sorry for reviving this post, I have a few new questions regarding it. So if I buy a second hand myDMX 3 interface and that has a FULL for life license for the myDMX 3 or 5 software on it, but the interface it is registered to the seller`s dmxsoft store account with his email, QUESTION 1: If I give him my email address to transfer it, will the licenses still be valid on the interface? If I choose not to give him my email and just ask him to hit the ''unregister or delete'' interface from his dmxsoft store account, QUESTION 2: Will that cause losing of the FULL for life license(s) that were on that interface? Now other situation: I have my own working myDMX 3 interface but in EXPRESS license, so if I buy a second hand myDMX3 interface that has a FULL for life license (for myDMX 3 or 5 software or both) ,and ask the seller to transfer the rights to my email on the dmxsoft store, then,QUESTION 3: Can I use the rights (license trasfered) to move the FULL for life license in my own myDMX3 interface? Is that posible, to transfer the license from an interface to another? Describing the situation a bit: Say I find a seller that sells at a good deal a second hand myDMX 3 interface with a FULL for life license for myDMX 3 or 5 software on it, but the interface is physically scratched and beaten (so I don`t know its reliability in time) ,but I buy it and ask him to transfer the rights from his email to my email on the dmxsoft store and after that I connect my own myDMX 3 interface and get the myDMX 3 or 5 FULL for life license on my own interface. Then finally resell the second hand scratched interface bought from that seller, which will become just EXPRESS license obviously. Yeah, sorry for all this ramble, and sorry for seeming to be a bad guy ,but I`m not

Last edited by Cata

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