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OK, now I know from several of your postings that the gear I have is all going on Ebay. Meanwhile, let me there such a thing as an AUTOMATIC system which can be pre-programmed (in a laptop) and run via serial or usb from a laptop to the device AT THE MIX TENT??? Then...continuing the dream, have the signal run down a stagesnake to the dimmer packs or other (sub)controllers?

Basically, I do not wish to have many whistles or bells which DJ's would (maybe?) require, but I would like to set up 6-8 cans, have a few stage lighting effects, some actual lighting (white light) that I could go dark on at Showtime, etc. Being able to edit a lighting effect into a song or two timing wise would be a plus. Basically, I run my speaker controller, 16 channels of tracking software (I record some acts live and mix later in the studio) and my digital mixing boards from TWO laptops so a controller that plugged into a laptop which could "record" a sequence running of the song's beat time would be super cool.

My only requirement is that I be able to run basic lights myself while watching my mixing board and running FXs for some songs. What system would this maybe be?????????
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I beleive the answer you are looking for is Elation CompuWare. The only thing is, PC-based DMX controller software is really geared for intelligent lighting. The software is free to check out though, but if you want to actually use it, you'll need to purchase the dongle/widget to connect a dmx cable into the laptop. There are probably some other PC-Based controllers out there though that should suffice for just par cans (and cost a lot less too), but I can't think of any specifics (try a google search perhaps?).

If you're looking to have something automatic, why not get a board with the ability to program 'shows' which includes all the scenes and chases you want (in cue lists), in the order you want them, and at whatever timing intervals you so desire. All you'd have to do is start the show from the board and it will do the rest. Also, you can override things on the fly if you want to change the affect (ie. pause the show, stop the show, restart the show, continue where you left off, etc.). You should be able to sync up your music and the lighting this way, but even if you have to activate the scenes and chases yourself, you have to remember that you have flexibility if soemthing suddenly chages unexpectedly during a show (you wouldnt want your light show to be going with no music, and vice versa in the event one of the PCs crashes). Just a thought.

PC-based controllers are great for pre-programming when you won't have enough time to program at the venue, hence why they are so nice for intelligents, but the downside is that you'll never quite know the effect until you are actually there looking at it all set up in the 'real' world. Visualizers can aide in helping this, but if you are into extreme precision, you'll need to see it all set up and running to be happy with it all.

If you're planning to go with intelligent lighting in the future, Compuware should fit the bill for your needs, but might be a little overkill for running just a couple of par cans, although I'm sure it could handle it just fine.

OK. if its a USB dongle-- no go. I have that already for my tracking software and its a pain in the butt. MAYBE what I meant to say was a peice of hardware (controller board) that I could use a PC to ALSO control via USB. Like my speaker system controller from DBX-- runs on its own, but can be controlled from my PC down the sound snake via ONE XLR channel-- great product which stays racked with the amps. I would like something in a lighting system that is similar...any other ideas???

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