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I've been searching for a gobo projector that would be cost effective and with the following features:
-- will accept user printed transparency or image via flash memory card or USB thumb drive.
-- rotating feature
-- bright (10W or 20W) LED with DMX or user controls for color changing options and rotation direction
-- gobo wheel for selection of ADJ pre-made gobos

I'm sure I speak for many (most?) DJs that feel having to buy a custom made metal or glass gobo is a one-time expense, and that isn't cost effective. Having a bright and sharp-focused projector that accepts transparencies would be perfect. I'd even gladly spend up to $500 for one if it has all the features above.

This got me to wondering if the new ADJ Gobo Projector LED might be able to be retrofitted with a transparency instead of the metal gobo. Having LED lights, I'm thinking the heat melting the transparency won't be an issue.
Original Post
Well, there is the discontinued Projector 150, which I have one. But, it's NOT LED, and using printable transparency paper, you don't have to worry about melting plastic.

And my concept was the same as yours, but mine didn't pan out so well. But I'm hanging onto it for the option.

Buying used or even new, it won't cost you anyhting close to $500.

Regardless of how you go, just purchase the appropriate transparency materials. There is one for inkjets and one for laser printers. They are NOT interchangable! Other than that, understand what your dimensions need to be, and your printer resolution is. Then you can print out custom gobos cheaply! Pennies a page. Affordable for sure.

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