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Got a FogStorm 700 with the F Wireless FS700 controller. Good combination. Got a new gallon of fog juice.

Did my first show with this unit on saturday. It was a miracle even getting the fog machine on time(arrived on Friday, no time to test). Hooked it up to the lighting truss, filled it up with American DJ Non-scented fog juice, powered it up(not on a dimmer pack or relay pack!). Well, all the fog that was put out had a rather "electric burning" smell to it. Made the reception hall's staff freak out at first, they thought there was a fire. Nope, just the fog machine.

Is my unit malfunctional? Is this a common problem with new machines? My clients expect a fog machine, and I don't want to give them stinky fog. Web site is of no help and I just don't have the time to sit on hold on the phone right now.

I have another issue with a strobe light on a relay pack as well, seems the relay pack still gives out trace voltage(will measure later) and then the strobe blinks regularly but slowly. Do I need a different interfacee to the Big Shot strobe?(such as maybe on a strobe controller or do I need to use a relay pack instead of a dimmer pack?)

I'm a sound guy and I just want a basic lighting rig. I just don't have the time to learn all the details right now.
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First off i'd like to welcome you to the forums.

some fog machines do this type of thing when they are new, they are basically burning off the newness in the fixture, kinda like a intelligent light when it get turned on for the first time, but if it continues i would reccomend you to e-mail support at Or if you don't want it sent in for maintance, just buy some fog scents, they don't cost that much and cover most of the odd smells from the machine. Wink but if you want just run the machine for about 4 to 5 mins., to see if that helps too. Wink
Thanks for the tip. I was wondering if something like that was going on, burning off any residue and what-not. Unfortunately, the staffers were freaking out and I couldn't run it much, and then the party guests were complaining and then the bride asked me to stop running the machine, which I was unplugging anyways due to me needing the voltage. I have two of the DP-DMX-20L's, and one was getting hosed up starving for voltage. Voltage going to lights was hitting around 104 Volts and the Furman conditioner couldn't handle that variance.

I'll go ahead and run it in the garage tomorrow and see if I can get it to become ex-stinked, and if that doesn't work, then it's time to move on to some scented fog juice, which I think is in the plans anyways and might be a good idea.

Thanks for the welcome, I'll be sticking around a bit. I've got questions. But, I'll start new threads for that.
yeah man thats the right answer BC....i bought a new macine on E bay from 0dyssey it was only 20.00. so why not. well when i got it, it had the same problem...its smelled like burning wires...i immediately unplugged it and then added some scent i bought it was cherry btw......then boom no more smell i let it burn out all the fog juice it had in that was all of that ..yea welcome to the forum
Well, here's the update:

I ran the machine like mad. I'm sure I annoyed some of the neihbors. Anyhow, it appears the machine will generate fog for up to a minute before it has to cool down I guess. Seems normal, nothing out of the ordinary I am assuming.

Still smells electrical. Ran it the better part of the day(4 hours). Vented the fog outside using some 3" drainage pipe set up about 4 inches from the nozzle, which caught most of it. I have contacted the email address given, no response yet, he must be pretty swamped.

Anyways, I have to move forward with other issues while I wait. I have a wireless mic that needs a new crystal installed. I'm also heading to my retailer today to see about adding some scents and to order some relay or switcher packs and some patch cables.
I'm sitting at my mail server. I've opened up enough whitelisting that it should have gotten through. I'm bouncing a million spams a month.

I did have some major issues with the mail server, it was down most of Monday and half of Tuesday. Switched to a new machine for the mail server, should be able to deal with the severe pounding better.

So, I'll go dive back into the error logs and see what may have been rejected.

Thanks for the heads-up. Time to widen the American DJ Whitelisting area.
I've opened up:
the 4 entries when doing a dig -mx on, plus ensured that the IP address which sent the message to me for forum password recovery is also whitelisted. There shouldn't be any problems unless it's a different server.

You're on XO Communications for some of your email services, so that's going to be a BIG problem for you since XO is well hated for their spammer tolerance policies. Your other addresses are on Verio, which is also well hated for their pro-spam policies as well. Seems like for redundancy, management has chosen to go with two rotten to the core providers for their connectivity. and are both in XO space. and are in Verio space.
Doing a dig:
$ dig mx

; DiG 9.2.1 mx
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 3029
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1




;; Query time: 5 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Sep 17 14:32:41 2003
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 69

$ dig -mx

; DiG 9.2.1 -mx
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 11286
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

; IN A


;; Query time: 5 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Sep 17 14:33:39 2003
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 48

So I have now added to the whitelist, but it does resolve to:
$ host domain name pointer

I'd really try to get your own IP space somewhere safe.

I await your message. You most likely got nailed by my list.
Note: This list can not be queried outside my network for those of you who think you just found a new blacklisting service.
Finally got a chance to call support on Friday, October 3. Must say that overall I am pleased. I will most likely call again on Monday to see what the next step is.

I was advised to open up the unit to see if any wires or wire casing was touching the heating element or any metal connectors. Looked nice and neat in there, didn't see any problems. Ramn the machine, still smells like an electrical fire. This does not adjust my customer service experience.

When I call on Monday, I will have the unit opened for possibly more intelligent discussion with the support person.

I am hoping to avoid an RMA, but if that is the way it has to be, then so be it. I'm sticking wiht ADJ for my lighting needs.

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