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I'm new to MyDMX GO and have a very specific application for it! I basically need it to run a theatre light 24/7 on a specific colour profile, however, I also need it to be on this colour profile on start up in case/when there's a power cut as I won't be there to reconnect it (it's off-site). Any information on this would be very helpful/any tips on how to accomplish this (if it's possible). (the reason why MyDMX GO was chosen for this application when there are other options for a dmx controller was its size and availability (in the UK), a full desk wasn't worth it for one light!)

Last edited by F1reL1ght
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Hi! Thanks for the help with the tutorials, they really helped me make a profile for a light which wasn't in the stock library! However, I am still struggling to figure out how to make a lighting scene load up onto the myDMX GO after it has been powered off. Do you know if this is possible? Thanks again!

@Jingles8302 posted:

Hi, i've made some tutorials on how the online builder works and what most controllers are looking for from the profile, take a peek and let me know if it helps and answers your questions,;si=Wk6tkxWO2qO6oW9x

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