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My church is holding an Annual VBS this summer. Again I am in charge of the lighting. This year we would like to use Can Lights, LED Lights, Intelligent lights, and color changers. We are trying to look for boards that can run those (we're looking to use only 3 to 4 boards plus our house light board) and stay with in NSI Lights and Elation Lighting. Any Suggestions on Boards?
Original Post
Why do you need so many lighting controllers? Chances are you could get it done with just one.

Or you could go with CompuLive or another Elation software control package, or American DJ's MyDMX.

You can lose some of your cans in favor of ADJ 64 LED Pros, Elation Opti Tri Pars, Elation RGB Zooms, and other LED can lights(go Elation, they are brighter) and you can stay LED and Cans.

By Intelligent lights, define what you mean. To me, that means any light that can be controlled with DMX. This means color changers, movers, scanners, and LED lights that can do color changing.

How many channels do you need? How many universes? What do you want or need to do? Once you have the answers to those questions, then certain things may become ruled out due to insufficient resources or capabilities. I can do a LOT with 192 DMX channels and my lowly DMX Operator, which includes controlling intels.

For the price, MyDMX might be the way to go.

More information needed.

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