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i have a problem with my stage dimmer. there are 3 facts you need to know before i ask my question
1) My dimmer controler is set to dim 24 channels. it CAN dim 48 if it is set differently but that is not needed.
2) I have 3 dimmer packs. each dimmer pack can handle 8 channels. i have the dimmers daisy channed together. so i SHOULD be able to control 24 channels(or lights in this case)...right?
3) only 14 channels are working!!

ok so what is wrong here, i am pretty sure i have everything hooked up the right way. but i can only controll 14 channels they are channels :2,3,4,5,6,7,13,14,15,20,21,22,23,24
so no pattern there(well none that i can see)
if anyone has any input on this it would be really really helpful to get by march 18th

DJ Borris
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i have another question. on the same stage dimmers i have the dimmers in the same rack as my amps and the 3 dimmers are stacked on top of each other with the amp in the rack a few inches above them. and whenever i fade in or out a light hooked up to the highest dimmer i get a really loud buzzing through my speakers. it sounds like a train honestly HELP!!! i have a musical to do and i CANNOT have this humming. what can i do to fix this? i tried alot except taking the dimmer out but i don't want to do this because it is wired in almost permanently. what could be causing this buzz, they are both on seprate circits. the other two dimmers only make it buzz a little bit, its not as noticable...i NEED HELP!
DJ Borris
youve prob got too many things plugged into one power supply and there isnt a sufficent ground. try breaking your items up into different power supplies and see if that helps....if not you may wanna pick up a ground can find it at your local harware store (home deopt ace hardware etc.)

Originally posted by Support:
[qb] I would suspect lack of power for the power packs. Is this a temporary install? Look for 3 20 amp circuits one for each. You can verify this by unplugging all but one light for the buzzing pack. Then see if it still buzzes. [/qb]
Yes, do what support says first and then see if the buzz is still there then you can see if its the audio or the dimmer packs that are causing the problem. USe your ground lifter based on what you find out. Hope this helps!



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