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Hi guys,

I was wondering if I could have a little help using the StageDesk 16. The following is what I want to achieve:

) I have 8 par-38 cans, 2 pinspots, 2 strobes, and a water effect machine ( Abyss II ) and some rope-lights that are all on separate channels.

) I want to be able to run chase patterns - specifically the built in ones - but I don't want the pinspots, abyss, or rope lights to be involved in the chase as to not ruin the transformers (already destroyed my first 2 pinspots unaware - even though the relay pack is zero-crossing) (no transformer on the rope lights but I want manual control)

) In addition to having the pins/abyss/ropes/etc not involved in the chase, I want to be able to control them manually (using the sliders) so that I may turn them on/off as desired.

) I tried following the instructions in the manual using the 'Kill' function but it appears to have done nothing. I turned a chase pattern on, pressed kill (the light lit up), and pressed the flash keys for the channels I wanted to remove, but they still come on during the chase. Does this only apply to user-defined patters? If so, is there any way I can copy a built in pattern into a user-defined slot so that it will work?

Any help is appreciated.
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Hey hpines...when running the chase you can tel the controller whichi channels to chase by bringing that specific fader up. So when running yoru chases if you dont want ropelites (ch3 for eg) chasing make sure the fader is all the way down. See if that does the trick. Also are you running the effects from dimmer packs?

Hmm are you sure? When i was doing chase patterns I had the sliders all the way down, and when it lit up a channel it would be at whatever the master level was at.

I need some way to put those channels -strictly- under manual control, if possible.

No I am not using dimmer packs for the effects - they are on a relay pack. The par can's are on dimmer packs, though.
Unfortunately the custom patterns only hold 100 steps - the built-in ones seem to have much much more, so my idea of 'duplicate the steps of the built-in ones' didn't quite work out Wink

Maybe a suggestion for future implementations of the StageDesk should be to allow the Kill option to also work for the built-in patterns.

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