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Can the Show Designer run multiple chases at the same time?

I have 8 par 64s that often blow fuses... With the foot contoller I can just master dim to 50% to reduce power consumption for everything including chases...

Is the Show Designer able to do the same?.... I'd like to program chases, but choose the dim level on the fly..

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Just 8 channels now... all par 64s... I have a couple of dp20 AMdj dimmers and a couple of the dp4s (I think is the model). Some places I go has enough power, other places do not.... With the foot controller I can just set master fade to limit the power consumption and go...

Do you have a recommendation re best way to do this using the show designer...
Can the Show Designer run multiple chases at the same time?
yes eight of them to be exact!

Can I globally adjust a dim value in show designer (which keeps all scenes, chases etc ) at that dim level?
well yes, here is what i would suggust trying. program 2 presets one useing par at 100% and the other useing 50%, then before you program any chases or senes etc, just start with one of the two presets.

you can have two sets of chases one at 50 and the other at 100%, don't worry the show designer has plenty of space for programs.

as in words to if you should use another controller, I would say no the show designer is american djs best and biggest, though it might take alittle time useing it with pars its still no slug.

also go to the forum board on elations website, they have a mess board devoted just to the show designer 1 and 2

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