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What is your equipment purchase goals?
Business goals?
What kind of gigs do you want to be doing?
Will you still be working somewhere in the lighting field?

>by the end of '05
>by the end of '06

By the end of 05 I want to purchase my 1220's, M@rtin Light Jockey and possibly a new hazer. (depending on how busines goes) I want to get my busines license and make things official and real.

By 2006 I want to be done (for a while at least) purhcasing equipment. (see needs list below)

2007 I will be doing at least 4 gigs a month with my lights, rounding the rest of the time doing freelance work.

To finish my system I plan to purchase

>6 more chrome 64's (which brings me up to 48 cans) with DYS kits.
>8 more black 56's (its nice to have black cans for rentals to churches/theatres/uplighting, non-rock and roll lighting)
>M@rtin Light Jockey
>Six nice scanners (like 1220s, kind of old, but nice)
>800' 16/19 Socapex Cable
>Finish my dimmer rack (my rack will consist of 6 NSI DDS 6000's in a nice rack, I own 4, I need 2 more to have 24 channels of 1,200 watt dimming)
>40' of box truss
>A pair of nice crank lifts like Applied L-16's or maybe a pair of used Genie Lifts
>A nice hazer (like a Magnum hazer or a DF-50)
>A nice 24 channel dimmer board (like a Leprecon 6-48)
>A larger distro
>200' of 4/4 distro cable

Roughly $10,000 worth of equipment. I wanted to stay away from getting a small busines loan. I've paid cash for just about everything, without debt. Thats the plan, stay out of debt.

The goal is to develop a system to sell to clients that need a nice medium sized light show, not an extremely large show. The plan is to keep it simple, no chain motors, no rigging, simple. This system will easily go up with a crew of less than five. The system looks good all together or can be used separately effectively for small rentals. The ****** 1220's will work in medium to large rooms and can function by themselves (with the LJ controller) to rent to large churches around the area. The par show is obviously flexible too).

This method has worked so far. My clients are happy, I am happy, the bills are being paid.

Sorry about the long post. What is your plans? I look forward to reading them.
Original Post
I have had many goals and have wanted to do many things this year but haven't really gotten to any of them. I hope I can get all I want this year and the following years and hopefully do something similar to what you have but closer to my home because I know it is really desperately needed.

So far my goals for 2005 include:
8-16 Par-56 Cans 300 Watt MFD
2 Crank Lifts(to approx. 15 feet or so)
3-4 Pieces of triangular trussing to mount lights onto and to of course be placed on the lifts.
Nice DMX Cable.
Big nice power cords
2-3 Leprecon Dimmer Packs to go with my newer light console.
more gels- of course!
intelligents(if budget allows)
This is about it for 2005.

for 2006...
A trailer to haul all my equipment in but at a reasonable cost. And maybe a few more par cans haven't really gotten into 2006 goals yet but here's some ideas.

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