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Hey all, first off, let me say I am a noobie to this forum, so if I have posted in the wrong location for this type of post, forgive me...I think I got it right though.

I was wondering if you guys could help recommend a small setup for me. I would like to be able to have intelligent lighting, and fairly high quality stuff. I don't know how this stuff runs, but if you have time, gimme a few options.

My price range is about 600-1000 bucks, i know thats not a lot at all for dj lighting, but My setup isn't professional, and doesn't need to be kickass like i wish it could (if i had more money it would be). I was thinking about just getting 2 intelligent lights, a cheap strobe and maybe a fogger. like i said, i would like to have a controller as well to controll all of this, but i have no idea whats good, and where the prices are going to be the cheapest.

Thanks for your help.
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Welcome to the forum!

I say that on a budget of <1000 wether or not that includes truss too??
If not then a ste of crankstands and a 10ft. truss will work nicely and be a worthwhile investment down the road.

For lights I would get an ADJ Co-pilot to control them and look into some basic stuff.
If you are neew to lighting I'd stick to more sound active lights. You can pick up a set of intels that run in master/slave sound active mode for a decent price.
For other effects a set of 4 par cans and a few other sound active lights such as the Vertigo and Agressor are nice room filling effects. a strobe and Fogger would make it a nice complete setup. Don't skip to the cheap foggers though. most of the times they are more headache than they are worth, but I had the cheapest fogger Adj made when i started and it survived two years oof my abuse and still works for the guy i sold it to. So stick to ADJ and you'll be alright. Should get up to about 1k pretty easy but it will gove you a nice full dance floor and some nice effects too.
Hey, you can't get much for intells on that small of a budget, but i did some research and heres what i found for ya:
- 1 vertigo
- 1 mini gressor
- 2 dj scan 250's
- 1 co-pilot II
- 1 10 foot light truss
Like was previously stated, stay basic. This system will giv you plenty of room for expansion and it will still give you a few different looks. if you only have 2 expensive intells running all night you light show is going to get old quicker. so add the vertigo and mini gerssor you can give the floor some excitement. the stuff listed above will run you around $900.


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