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Called today @ 3:00 my time in Texas, 1pm in Cal. Spoke to Joel in the Service Dept and asked how my repair is coming along. Read my return nunber and he said its not here yet. I told him that it was signed for last Thursday early afternoon March 18. He told me it has not been entered into the computer yet. Thurs. Fri. Mon, and now Tuesday and its not even logged into their computer yet.

He also asked if I shipped it next day. I told him the AMDJ sent me the call/p/u tag in it was ground, at which time he told me it should have been next day. He told me that they take the service in the order they are received. I know if I did not even look at a email in my business after four days I would not be in business long. Yea, I know they get lots of stuff returned, I understand that, but a simple scan when it arrives would take care of logging into the computer.

So I asked when I should call back, he said in a couple of days. Wednesday will make 5 days Thursday will make 6 days they will have had my light nearly a week, which only worked at 2 events b4 it went belly up. Then after its logged in it will fall behind others that got there b4 mine. I even included a note inside the box explaining this is Prime Prom Season, but of course they don't even know they have the light yet.

To day the least, I am disappointed with the answers I have gotten and the way my product has been handled once they sign for them. A lot of money spent to only work twice and them have the service dept handle this the way. Looks like maybe 6 days just sitting in their warehouse b4 they even put it into rotation for repair. Chris, I would bet you get your repair back b4 they even log mine in.

Not the least bit happy with the way I have been dealt with so far. If they wanted me to ship it next day or 2nd day they should have sent me the call tag for that. I explained the need to them for a rush.
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That's not good at all. I haven't called because I am coming down with yet another ailment and once again, I can't speak much. My wife must be loving this, because she's starting all sorts of crap and I really can't say anything about it.

Right now I'm working on something else and so I am not checking on the online status indicator where I can check an RA's status.

For me, I have a dinky event coming up Thursday, and I won't be using the 64 LED Pros, but I'm fine with that.

I should go check. Not to be nasty, but I wonder how my Chauvet repair is gong, as they promised a 9-day turn-around(which I suspect is crap, but I'd even suspect that from companies I like too)
I deleted a couple of angry posts just a few minutes ago. Called customer service this morning and asked for the service manager (Ernie Santiago) and told him what had happened. He looked up the account and said it had be logged in this morning. He said he would call me back in a couple hours, which he did.

Seems that the light had been fixed with his supervison and will ship tonight or first thing in the morning and I will have it for my Prom Friday and Saturday. All I can say is "A Tip Of the Cap to Ernie" So I'm happy and it was just the gobo wheel getting jammed and all is fine now. Big Grin

By the way, the catalogs gobo's was printed a little premature and they are not included on the production model. The web site has the current gobo's along with a new video.

Again, thanks Customer Service (even though I had to get the customer service Manager involved), things worked out fine.
Thanks Jingles, I am well aware of the power of the customer. Glad I'll have it back in time for the Proms. Oh I put in a good word for Chris and his repair, maybe he'll buy me a beer sometime. Also glad I got the gobo straightened out on the catalog, thought I was missing half, LOL.
If my voice was working, I'd return your phone call. I'm saving your number in my phone as you're definately someone I would pick up the phone for. Sorry for it rolling to voicemail, I see "strange to me" numbers and I get overly cautious these days anyways.

I hear your frustration. I hate being in that sort of a position.

The support guys are great. I used to work doing that type of work but for very different product lines(IT/datacom gear), so I know what they CAN go through. My volumes are significantly less than theirs, but I know the grind and drill.

I'm happy to hear you got your fixture repaired and will be in your possession in time for your event. So, let me say this: I hope in the fixture turn-around time contest we got going, that you win. For me, my events are not so critical right now so I can get away with a fixture or two being out.

Definately have had good experiences with Support. My last "issue" before the latest 64 LED Pro needing servicing again, was a new in the box Mega Panel 50 had a bad end cap, so I couldn't put the foot bracket on it. Ernie sent out a new one. Now, had my wife not decided to have some sort of issue about who knows what, I'd have been told about the little package that came in, but instead I found it in a pile of stuff in the house. Fortunately, I saw a box and was "WTF?" and saw my name on it. Opened it up and there's my cap! Took it to the show, and quickly replaced it.

One thing I've learned: Short lead times generate lots of stress in this business. But, sounds like we both have the same issues: we don't want to hold inventory of live spares because some of this stuff is too expensive for our budgets!

Glad to hear of a good ending. I'm just going to wait patiently for my can light to get fixed. I still have 30 days before I need it. But thanks for the push.
Well, you win.

Now, the question might be:
Did Jerry cheat?

Debatable at best.

Let's examine the situation:
Jerry has short time to get his fixture in and back. While I have similar time crunch concerns, my event(which was the April 22) has come and gone quite nicely without my light. In Jerry's case, this fixture was not only considerably more expensive, but more critical to his events.

When do I really need my light back? Well, the sooner the better of course, but when I really want it would be for my May 7th event, and of course my May 22 big show. The May 7th show can get by without it. The May 22nd can NOT, but I still have almost a month.

So, did Jerry cheat? I've been in the busines of entertainment for 28 of my 38 years. My opinion? No. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get the job done. Jerry escalated. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Some follow-up.

Jerry, was it something you said? FedEx attempted to deliver my repaired light at 8:37. I say attempted because I was asleep, after being up until 4AM working on my kid's kindergarten performance video.

All I can say is "Why the hell does that FedEx Ground Delivery guy need to be up so early?" It's really only a 1 or 2 day service between my place and ADJ's place, and I don't have a show until May 7th at the soonest. I always tell people that if they send via FedEx ground to my place, it almost always gets here before 10AM. I'm a late riser though, so I'll get to bed early tonight so I can receive the package, fire that sucker up and put it through it's paces.

As usual, I am expecting the best from ADJ, and they'll deliver. This is good turn-around time. Shipped on the 9th, back on the 27th. A little over 2-week turnaround. That's not bad at all.

We'll see how my light that went off to a competitor does. I expect a slower-turnaround just based on the fact I'm in California and they are in Florida. I just hope they don't employ retirees!! I might have to overnight some Geritol or something to move them along(or maybe Metamucil to move them along in a different way).

(please, please, please let there be budget to get the Elation Opti Tri pars so I can get rid of those competitor fixtures I complain about oh so often).
One more follow-up: Light arrived. I'll unbox it this afternoon and test it. I don't expect any problems and I can get it back into the case and get ready for my show on May 7th.

The light arrived before 8AM my time. I was up until 2AM working on a video project I want to hurry up and get done. I might be doing deliverables tomorrow morning, a full 2 days early. I was up at 6Am to ensure I wouldn't miss the delivery attempt today after the failed attempt yesterday. ADJ makes you sign for it, which I appreciate, especially since objects left on front porches tend to vanish around here.
Me too.

How did your weekend events go with your repaired light back in your hands?

My little show went fine except for the people who kept bumping into the main camera knocked it out of focus and I couldn't reach he eyepiece to adjust it as I had my hands full with sound. DVD's are being spit out by the robot now. Next time, I'll use my caution tape and hire a Big Guy Name Ben to keep people way from the camera!
My two proms went well. One small one 80 kids and the other 1500. Of course nearly all rap. The lights performed flawlessly and looked good. Love the ease of working with compu ware. Just set up a couple switches and then use the pre programmed patterns. Clik on a new pattern and then on a different color and it looks like I spent hours programming. Makes me look good. LOL
Good to hear.

I love the MyDMX product, but I'm getting some information from Jingles as to what products might be better for some of the shows I work on, and a Compu product is defintely in my future. I'm not sure when, but I do know it's coming. I'd say within a year. Right now, I opened up CompuLive and was frankly overwhelmed, but I must admit I didn't have time to dig deep into it, and I was hip deep in a few other projects at the time.

I think for the money spent and what it can do along with what I need it to do, A Compu product will definately serve me well.

Now, all I need is a device to break down multi-channel output from an optical stream into analog break-outs so I can encode SMPTE into the digital film file so I can connect the SMTPE into a MIDI iterface so it can pump out MTC back to Compu and I can sync the lights to the movie flawlessly!

I also think a couple of those VIZI spots are in my future too. I have to check numbers and see whether or not I get this big show at the end of June. If not, get VIZI spots then. If yes, put the money into truck repairs and a seat upgrade, then get them when I get back. Hell, if I get it, I'll be at Anime-Con running the main stage, I'll see if I can drop by ADJ and just pick them up! Hmmm, I can raise my deposit to get them and have them waiting maybe? I got some guys locally I could have them shipped to and they'll bring them on down!

I better stop over-thinking this. I have other tasks to deal with today!

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