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For those of you who wanted a red gel for the X Scan LED plus this can be easily done buy swapping the purple gel for a red gel panel from an old light. Works well and we now get a true bright red colour. All you do is take out the colour wheel and pull out a colour you don't want then replace it using a bit of heat resistent glue!

I know some people have said red colours are a bit dull with LED lighting but ours work well and ours is a big venue.

Don't understand why ADJ dont add a red gel for the LED Plus?
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Maybe when technology improves for this type of LED source, this issue will vanish with the usage of a tri-color LED!

Two questions:
The color and brand of the gel you're using. As you know, many use numbers. As we all know, all gels aren't created equal.

Is there a recommended glue that is heat resistant?
The heat resistent glue came from a car motor accessory shop. It was meant for gluing parts near the engine. The red gels came from some old lights but the same gel can be bought from Maplin or off Ebay. You only need a few tiny squares. Also I tried a UV filter. it sort of works but the brightness is an issue if you have a lot of ambient lighs like bar lights and emergency lights.

My nerdy friend who is a Professor of Light Mechanics did mention that the light emmited by a white LED is based on frequency of the waves and something else: bla bla bla. Sorry I fell asleep!

I know how to fix a warp core if thats any help?!!
UV and LED I can't imagine wouldn't work well at all do to the design of LED. They are made to put out one, narrow band width frequency. I highly doubt UV is included since there are UV LEDs specifically that actually don't do that good of a job with UV.

As such, UV filter+LED source wouldn't work real well, no matter how bright the LED is since they just don't admit UV. It is actually considered an advantage in some settings since it won't damage things over time, and I am talking a long time and really old things like the stuff in the Library of Congress.

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