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Unless you can properly time it out, it's not going to work out.

I have a scene where 1 mover is going around in a circle, beaconing. Then one side of the stage is at 100% of a specific color(via RGB values), while the other side, while prepped(color RGB values specified). At some point, the 100% side drops to 50%, while the other side comes up to 100% from 0. It required over 1600 manual edits. Fortunately, the movers were in regular intervals for all their steps. And the other issue is that outside of the show it is for, that scene is otherwise 100% useless. But that's OK, the scene does exactly what is needed.

Ideally, you'd want to move to Compu Show or Compu Live, because what you want is scene or cue layering. MyDMX is much more basic than that. Scenes are self-contained and run stand alone.

There are definately ways to make things happen, but it comes down to what WILL work for you(and can it work for you) and some serious thinking outside the box.
Scenes are self-contained

I am not trying to be rude.. but just about every post I have seen is go with compu live.

If your going to do that, why not stop with mydmx and just push for compu live.

Lot of people are asking for a simple request to have multi scene and everyone is pushing away from adding it in. This upsets me so bad cause your not giving people what they want.

The thing about mydmx is the clean easy to use interface. Cumpu live does NOT have a easy learning curve and clean layout.

I wouldn't mind paying for a upgrade software to do this, but I will not go with cumpu live just the fact I feel is over bloated with stuff I could care less about.

Sorry if I sound rude but it just upsets me that no one wants to take this product and improve on it with simple stuff, such as multi cues.
No, you're not sounding rude.

People keep asking for a feature, and the feature is in a different product. And people keep asking the same stuff over and over again, and what do you expect?

Now, I'm using Compu Show because I gotta learn it to do what I want to do. I'll grant you it's not a clean or easy to use interface. Frankly, it's a pain in the ass. But, the more I work with it, the more I understand it and the more I like it. Once properly set up, it becomes quite easy to use. The thing is, they are trying to protect you from yourself so they do make it require a couple of extra steps to edit things so you don't just go around hosing stuff up by accident.

Within a week, I had video imported into Compu Show and was doing scene layering and complex scenes in Compu Show, and that's just by reading the manual. I bet I could get competent on Compu Live pretty darn quick.

Adding multiple cues is NOT as simple as you guys want to think it is. Look at how MyDMX programs scenes: it works off snapshots of the entire DMX universe. This is a LOT different than different pages running their own little things, which in turn allows for scene layering.

Unlike Serra Ava, who I do respect by the way, I'm more software based for my lighting. He's more hardware based. I'm not going to go into the pros and cons or which is better crap. Right tool for the right job. For him if he feels better on a console, then so be it, that's the right tool for him. As for me, it's going to be software based on a PC because I have to fund everything out of my own pockets and they ain't deep. But I'm also a sound guy, not a lighting guy, and so this is just nuisance stuff I gotta learn to stay competitive.

So, no you're not being rude. You're being directed to the proper product.

I'm sorry, but I've seen the same mentality for 20+ years: offer a low-cost product, then expect 90% of the users to whine that they aren't getting the "happy ending" product. You can't get it all for little or nothing. If you want the big time, you gotta spend. It's life, it's business and it ain't gonna change any time soon.

And so what if Compu Live or Compu Show is "bloated with stuff I could care less about". I'd rather have stuff in there I don't need now, because I can guarantee at some point in time, I'm gonna need it. Better to have it and not need it, than need it and be screwed.

Also, not everyone needs complex. MyDMX was oriented for DJ's and small outfits needing something fast, cheap and easy to use but with a lot of stuff. And there it is: MyDMX. It's not supposed to do it all, it's just supposed to do a lot, but not ALL. And really, when you got a guy trying to cue audio, keep a party popping and handle lights, he's got enough stuff going on as it is.
jscott. I understand your point of view. But I'm not trying to shy users away from my dmx. I'm being honest in what softwares offer what. I do not want anyone waiting for a feature to come to a product that could very well not come and instead of sending you packing to a different company I am trying to keep you in the range of products that I support, that way whatever the user decides to go with I can provide the level of support I am known for if they purchase the product. I hate seeing people purchase a product that A) they thought did more than what it really does because they didn't try it out before they purchased the interface and B) Also don't like seeing people ask for help and then never receive it or if they receive it the help was adequate for them to understand the product fully.
Also yes compu live has A LOT of features and Compu Show has a LOT MORE features. But i have been using compu live for years and compu show for a little over a year and I'm not complaining it has too much! I have never heard of anyone complain about a software having too much. Just because it is there doesn't mean you have to use it. There are options. My dmx was only meant to be a very very simple and easy to use but not fully loaded product. And now that we have a chance to try to add some features to it I ma asking people to tell me what they want.
So we will see in the future where it goes, but the frame of mind is to still keep it simple. how simple? We don't know yet. We will have to wait and see.
I understand the argument of not wanting to pay for stuff you're not using. Since we're dealing mainly with DJ's and other small groups where people have to do things "on the cheap", MyDMX initially fits the bill quite nice. But, coming from nothing, you don't know what you want or need or understand a lot, so you honestly don't know what to ask or what to look for.

In my case, there's tons of stuff in Compu show I probably don't need. Well, more accurately, stuff I don't need NOW. Thanks to MyDMX, lighting has become more essential to my business and helps to secure jobs. Similarly, thanks to MyDMX, I've gotten into more complex shows, in fact too complex for MyDMX to handle On top of that, my knowledge of lighting is pushing me out of MyDMX and into Compu Show. Now maybe my creativity is down, but seeing potential is UP.

In my case, I'm figuring that for business, it's best to step all the way up. This isn't the right decision for everyone though. It's a BIG monetary hit.

Even so, there's tons of punch MyDMX. It does a lot for a little. It does an INSANE amount of stuff for what they charge for it. Not that I can compare it to other commercial offerings(because I don't have any software other than ADJ and Elation software), I don't see the others being able to offer that much for so little.

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