I have 2 DJ Scan 250ex’s, 1 Deluxe Scan 250 and 1 DJ Scan 250...I also have 8 LED Pro’s (par 64), and H2O and a generic laser fixture.
Not long after I upgraded to the new MYDMX my scanners stopped responding when I tried creating new scenes. Then they partially responded but twitched all over in all colors and gobos (almost as if they are in test phase). The they were maintaining one color but still twitching (after I disconnected all but 3 scanners and 2 LED pros. Once I connected all the fixtures ...it was helter skelter!!!
Any idea what could be wrong? I did switch the entire light show over to the older MYDMX which I still have on a different computer and still have the same issues.
The second video was taken with the value of each fixture at zero.